= abs($yStart)) { $aaStartX = true; } else { $aaStartX = false; } if ($xStop >= $yStop) { $aaStopX = true; } else { $aaStopX = false; } //$xp = +1; $yp = -1; $xa = +1; $ya = 0; for ($x = 0; $x < $a; $x += 1) { /*$y = $b * sqrt( 1 - ($x*$x)/($a*$a) ); $error = $y - (int)($y); $y = (int)($y); $diffColor = imageColorExactAlpha( $img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2], 127-(127-$color[3])*$error );*/ $_y1 = $dyStop*$x; $_y2 = $dyStart*$x; if ($xStart > $xStop) { $error1 = $_y1 - (int)($_y1); $error2 = 1 - $_y2 + (int)$_y2; $_y1 = $_y1-$error1; $_y2 = $_y2+$error2; } else { $error1 = 1 - $_y1 + (int)$_y1; $error2 = $_y2 - (int)($_y2); $_y1 = $_y1+$error1; $_y2 = $_y2-$error2; } /* if ($aaStopX) $diffColor1 = imageColorExactAlpha( $img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2], 127-(127-$color[3])*$error1 ); if ($aaStartX) $diffColor2 = imageColorExactAlpha( $img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2], 127-(127-$color[3])*$error2 ); */ if ($seg == 0 || $seg == 2) { $i = $seg; if (!($start > $i*M_PI/2 && $x > $xStart)) { if ($i == 0) { $xp = +1; $yp = -1; $xa = +1; $ya = 0; } else { $xp = -1; $yp = +1; $xa = 0; $ya = +1; } if ($stop < ($i+1)*(M_PI/2) && $x <= $xStop) { $diffColor1 = imageColorExactAlpha($img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2], 127-(127-$color[3])*$error1); $y1 = $_y1; if ($aaStopX) { imageSetPixel($img, $cx+$xp*($x)+$xa, $cy+$yp*($y1+1)+$ya, $diffColor1); } } else { $y = $b * sqrt(1 - ($x*$x)/($a*$a)); $error = $y - (int)($y); $y = (int)($y); $diffColor = imageColorExactAlpha($img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2], 127-(127-$color[3])*$error); $y1 = $y; if ($x < $aaAngleX) { imageSetPixel($img, $cx+$xp*$x+$xa, $cy+$yp*($y1+1)+$ya, $diffColor); } } if ($start > $i*M_PI/2 && $x <= $xStart) { $diffColor2 = imageColorExactAlpha($img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2], 127-(127-$color[3])*$error2); $y2 = $_y2; if ($aaStartX) { imageSetPixel($img, $cx+$xp*$x+$xa, $cy+$yp*($y2-1)+$ya, $diffColor2); } } else { $y2 = 0; } if ($y2 <= $y1) { imageLine($img, $cx+$xp*$x+$xa, $cy+$yp*$y1+$ya, $cx+$xp*$x+$xa, $cy+$yp*$y2+$ya, $fillColor); } } } if ($seg == 1 || $seg == 3) { $i = $seg; if (!($stop < ($i+1)*M_PI/2 && $x > $xStop)) { if ($i == 1) { $xp = -1; $yp = -1; $xa = 0; $ya = 0; } else { $xp = +1; $yp = +1; $xa = 1; $ya = 1; } if ($start > $i*M_PI/2 && $x < $xStart) { $diffColor2 = imageColorExactAlpha($img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2], 127-(127-$color[3])*$error2); $y1 = $_y2; if ($aaStartX) { imageSetPixel($img, $cx+$xp*$x+$xa, $cy+$yp*($y1+1)+$ya, $diffColor2); } } else { $y = $b * sqrt(1 - ($x*$x)/($a*$a)); $error = $y - (int)($y); $y = (int) $y; $diffColor = imageColorExactAlpha($img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2], 127-(127-$color[3])*$error); $y1 = $y; if ($x < $aaAngleX) { imageSetPixel($img, $cx+$xp*$x+$xa, $cy+$yp*($y1+1)+$ya, $diffColor); } } if ($stop < ($i+1)*M_PI/2 && $x <= $xStop) { $diffColor1 = imageColorExactAlpha($img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2], 127-(127-$color[3])*$error1); $y2 = $_y1; if ($aaStopX) { imageSetPixel($img, $cx+$xp*$x+$xa, $cy+$yp*($y2-1)+$ya, $diffColor1); } } else { $y2 = 0; } if ($y2 <= $y1) { imageLine($img, $cx+$xp*$x+$xa, $cy+$yp*$y1+$ya, $cx+$xp*$x+$xa, $cy+$yp*$y2+$ya, $fillColor); } } } } ///YYYYY for ($y = 0; $y < $b; $y += 1) { /*$x = $a * sqrt( 1 - ($y*$y)/($b*$b) ); $error = $x - (int)($x); $x = (int)($x); $diffColor = imageColorExactAlpha( $img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2], 127-(127-$color[3])*$error ); */ $_x1 = $dxStop*$y; $_x2 = $dxStart*$y; if ($yStart > $yStop) { $error1 = $_x1 - (int)($_x1); $error2 = 1 - $_x2 + (int)$_x2; $_x1 = $_x1-$error1; $_x2 = $_x2+$error2; } else { $error1 = 1 - $_x1 + (int)$_x1; $error2 = $_x2 - (int)($_x2); $_x1 = $_x1+$error1; $_x2 = $_x2-$error2; } /* if (!$aaStopX) $diffColor1 = imageColorExactAlpha( $img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2], 127-(127-$color[3])*$error1 ); if (!$aaStartX) $diffColor2 = imageColorExactAlpha( $img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2], 127-(127-$color[3])*$error2 ); */ if ($seg == 0 || $seg == 2) { $i = $seg; if (!($start > $i*M_PI/2 && $y > $yStop)) { if ($i == 0) { $xp = +1; $yp = -1; $xa = 1; $ya = 0; } else { $xp = -1; $yp = +1; $xa = 0; $ya = 1; } if ($stop < ($i+1)*(M_PI/2) && $y <= $yStop) { $diffColor1 = imageColorExactAlpha($img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2], 127-(127-$color[3])*$error1); $x1 = $_x1; if (!$aaStopX) { imageSetPixel($img, $cx+$xp*($x1-1)+$xa, $cy+$yp*($y)+$ya, $diffColor1); } } if ($start > $i*M_PI/2 && $y < $yStart) { $diffColor2 = imageColorExactAlpha($img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2], 127-(127-$color[3])*$error2); $x2 = $_x2; if (!$aaStartX) { imageSetPixel($img, $cx+$xp*($x2+1)+$xa, $cy+$yp*($y)+$ya, $diffColor2); } } else { $x = $a * sqrt(1 - ($y*$y)/($b*$b)); $error = $x - (int)($x); $x = (int)($x); $diffColor = imageColorExactAlpha($img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2], 127-(127-$color[3])*$error); $x1 = $x; if ($y < $aaAngleY && $y <= $yStop) { imageSetPixel($img, $cx+$xp*($x1+1)+$xa, $cy+$yp*$y+$ya, $diffColor); } } } } if ($seg == 1 || $seg == 3) { $i = $seg; if (!($stop < ($i+1)*M_PI/2 && $y > $yStart)) { if ($i == 1) { $xp = -1; $yp = -1; $xa = 0; $ya = 0; } else { $xp = +1; $yp = +1; $xa = 1; $ya = 1; } if ($start > $i*M_PI/2 && $y < $yStart) { $diffColor2 = imageColorExactAlpha($img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2], 127-(127-$color[3])*$error2); $x1 = $_x2; if (!$aaStartX) { imageSetPixel($img, $cx+$xp*($x1-1)+$xa, $cy+$yp*$y+$ya, $diffColor2); } } if ($stop < ($i+1)*M_PI/2 && $y <= $yStop) { $diffColor1 = imageColorExactAlpha($img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2], 127-(127-$color[3])*$error1); $x2 = $_x1; if (!$aaStopX) { imageSetPixel($img, $cx+$xp*($x2+1)+$xa, $cy+$yp*$y+$ya, $diffColor1); } } else { $x = $a * sqrt(1 - ($y*$y)/($b*$b)); $error = $x - (int)($x); $x = (int)($x); $diffColor = imageColorExactAlpha($img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2], 127-(127-$color[3])*$error); $x1 = $x; if ($y < $aaAngleY && $y < $yStart) { imageSetPixel($img, $cx+$xp*($x1+1)+$xa, $cy+$yp*$y+$ya, $diffColor); } } } } } } function imageSmoothArc(&$img, $cx, $cy, $w, $h, $color, $start, $stop) { // Originally written from scratch by Ulrich Mierendorff, 06/2006 // Rewritten and improved, 04/2007, 07/2007 // compared to old version: // + Support for transparency added // + Improved quality of edges & antialiasing // note: This function does not represent the fastest way to draw elliptical // arcs. It was written without reading any papers on that subject. Better // algorithms may be twice as fast or even more. // what it cannot do: It does not support outlined arcs, only filled // Parameters: // $cx - Center of ellipse, X-coord // $cy - Center of ellipse, Y-coord // $w - Width of ellipse ($w >= 2) // $h - Height of ellipse ($h >= 2 ) // $color - Color of ellipse as a four component array with RGBA // $start - Starting angle of the arc, no limited range! // $stop - Stop angle of the arc, no limited range! // $start _can_ be greater than $stop! // If any value is not in the given range, results are undefined! // This script does not use any special algorithms, everything is completely // written from scratch; see http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellipse for formulas. while ($start < 0) { $start += 2*M_PI; } while ($stop < 0) { $stop += 2*M_PI; } while ($start > 2*M_PI) { $start -= 2*M_PI; } while ($stop > 2*M_PI) { $stop -= 2*M_PI; } if ($start > $stop) { imageSmoothArc($img, $cx, $cy, $w, $h, $color, $start, 2*M_PI); imageSmoothArc($img, $cx, $cy, $w, $h, $color, 0, $stop); return; } $a = 1.0*round($w/2); $b = 1.0*round($h/2); $cx = 1.0*round($cx); $cy = 1.0*round($cy); $aaAngle = atan(($b*$b)/($a*$a)*tan(0.25*M_PI)); $aaAngleX = $a*cos($aaAngle); $aaAngleY = $b*sin($aaAngle); $a -= 0.5; // looks better... $b -= 0.5; for ($i=0; $i<4;$i++) { if ($start < ($i+1)*M_PI/2) { if ($start > $i*M_PI/2) { if ($stop > ($i+1)*M_PI/2) { imageSmoothArcDrawSegment($img, $cx, $cy, $a, $b, $aaAngleX, $aaAngleY, $color, $start, ($i+1)*M_PI/2, $i); } else { imageSmoothArcDrawSegment($img, $cx, $cy, $a, $b, $aaAngleX, $aaAngleY, $color, $start, $stop, $i); break; } } else { if ($stop > ($i+1)*M_PI/2) { imageSmoothArcDrawSegment($img, $cx, $cy, $a, $b, $aaAngleX, $aaAngleY, $color, $i*M_PI/2, ($i+1)*M_PI/2, $i); } else { imageSmoothArcDrawSegment($img, $cx, $cy, $a, $b, $aaAngleX, $aaAngleY, $color, $i*M_PI/2, $stop, $i); break; } } } } }