$_val) { if ($_key != '') { $this->check_tplvar($_key); $this->tpl_vars[$_key] = new Smarty_variable($_val, $nocache, $scope); } } } else { if ($tpl_var != '') { $this->check_tplvar($tpl_var); $this->tpl_vars[$tpl_var] = new Smarty_variable($value, $nocache, $scope); } } } /** * assigns a global Smarty variable * * @param string $varname the global variable name * @param mixed $value the value to assign * @param boolean $nocache if true any output of this variable will be not cached */ public function assign_global($varname, $value = null, $nocache = false) { if ($varname != '') { $this->check_tplvar($varname); $this->smarty->global_tpl_vars[$varname] = new Smarty_variable($value, $nocache); } } /** * assigns values to template variables by reference * * @param string $tpl_var the template variable name * @param mixed $ &$value the referenced value to assign * @param boolean $nocache if true any output of this variable will be not cached * @param boolean $scope the scope the variable will have (local,parent or root) */ public function assign_by_ref($tpl_var, &$value, $nocache = false, $scope = SMARTY_LOCAL_SCOPE) { if ($tpl_var != '') { $this->check_tplvar($tpl_var); $this->tpl_vars[$tpl_var] = new Smarty_variable(null, $nocache, $scope); $this->tpl_vars[$tpl_var]->value = &$value; } } /** * appends values to template variables * * @param array $ |string $tpl_var the template variable name(s) * @param mixed $value the value to append * @param boolean $merge flag if array elements shall be merged * @param boolean $nocache if true any output of this variable will be not cached * @param boolean $scope the scope the variable will have (local,parent or root) */ public function append($tpl_var, $value = null, $merge = false, $nocache = false, $scope = SMARTY_LOCAL_SCOPE) { if (is_array($tpl_var)) { // $tpl_var is an array, ignore $value foreach ($tpl_var as $_key => $_val) { if ($_key != '') { if (!isset($this->tpl_vars[$_key])) { $this->check_tplvar($_key); $tpl_var_inst = $this->getVariable($_key, null, true, false); if ($tpl_var_inst instanceof Undefined_Smarty_Variable) { $this->tpl_vars[$_key] = new Smarty_variable(null, $nocache, $scope); } else { $this->tpl_vars[$_key] = clone $tpl_var_inst; if ($scope != SMARTY_LOCAL_SCOPE) { $this->tpl_vars[$_key]->scope = $scope; } } } if (!(is_array($this->tpl_vars[$_key]->value) || $this->tpl_vars[$_key]->value instanceof ArrayAccess)) { settype($this->tpl_vars[$_key]->value, 'array'); } if ($merge && is_array($_val)) { foreach($_val as $_mkey => $_mval) { $this->tpl_vars[$_key]->value[$_mkey] = $_mval; } } else { $this->tpl_vars[$_key]->value[] = $_val; } } } } else { if ($tpl_var != '' && isset($value)) { if (!isset($this->tpl_vars[$tpl_var])) { $this->check_tplvar($tpl_var); $tpl_var_inst = $this->getVariable($tpl_var, null, true, false); if ($tpl_var_inst instanceof Undefined_Smarty_Variable) { $this->tpl_vars[$tpl_var] = new Smarty_variable(null, $nocache, $scope); } else { $this->tpl_vars[$tpl_var] = clone $tpl_var_inst; if ($scope != SMARTY_LOCAL_SCOPE) { $this->tpl_vars[$tpl_var]->scope = $scope; } } } if (!(is_array($this->tpl_vars[$tpl_var]->value) || $this->tpl_vars[$tpl_var]->value instanceof ArrayAccess)) { settype($this->tpl_vars[$tpl_var]->value, 'array'); } if ($merge && is_array($value)) { foreach($value as $_mkey => $_mval) { $this->tpl_vars[$tpl_var]->value[$_mkey] = $_mval; } } else { $this->tpl_vars[$tpl_var]->value[] = $value; } } } } /** * appends values to template variables by reference * * @param string $tpl_var the template variable name * @param mixed $ &$value the referenced value to append * @param boolean $merge flag if array elements shall be merged */ public function append_by_ref($tpl_var, &$value, $merge = false) { if ($tpl_var != '' && isset($value)) { if (!isset($this->tpl_vars[$tpl_var])) { $this->tpl_vars[$tpl_var] = new Smarty_variable(); } if (!@is_array($this->tpl_vars[$tpl_var]->value)) { settype($this->tpl_vars[$tpl_var]->value, 'array'); } if ($merge && is_array($value)) { foreach($value as $_key => $_val) { $this->tpl_vars[$tpl_var]->value[$_key] = &$value[$_key]; } } else { $this->tpl_vars[$tpl_var]->value[] = &$value; } } } /** * check if template variable name is reserved. * * @param string $tpl_var the template variable */ private function check_tplvar($tpl_var) { if (in_array($tpl_var, array('this', 'smarty'))) { throw new Exception("Cannot assign value to reserved var '{$tpl_var}'"); } } /** * clear the given assigned template variable. * * @param string $ |array $tpl_var the template variable(s) to clear */ public function clear_assign($tpl_var) { if (is_array($tpl_var)) { foreach ($tpl_var as $curr_var) { unset($this->tpl_vars[$curr_var]); } } else { unset($this->tpl_vars[$tpl_var]); } } /** * clear all the assigned template variables. */ public function clear_all_assign() { $this->tpl_vars = array(); } /** * gets the object of a Smarty variable * * @param string $variable the name of the Smarty variable * @param object $_ptr optional pointer to data object * @param boolean $search_parents search also in parent data * @return object the object of the variable */ public function getVariable($variable, $_ptr = null, $search_parents = true, $error_enable = true) { if ($_ptr === null) { $_ptr = $this; } while ($_ptr !== null) { if (isset($_ptr->tpl_vars[$variable])) { // found it, return it return $_ptr->tpl_vars[$variable]; } // not found, try at parent if ($search_parents) { $_ptr = $_ptr->parent; } else { $_ptr = null; } } if (isset($this->smarty->global_tpl_vars[$variable])) { // found it, return it return $this->smarty->global_tpl_vars[$variable]; } if ($this->smarty->error_unassigned && $error_enable) { throw new Exception('Undefined Smarty variable "' . $variable . '"'); } else { return new Undefined_Smarty_Variable; } } /** * gets a config variable * * @param string $variable the name of the config variable * @return mixed the value of the config variable */ public function getConfigVariable($variable) { $_ptr = $this; while ($_ptr !== null) { if (isset($_ptr->config_vars[$variable])) { // found it, return it return $_ptr->config_vars[$variable]; } // not found, try at parent $_ptr = $_ptr->parent; } if ($this->smarty->error_unassigned) { throw new Exception('Undefined config variable "' . $variable . '"'); } else { return ''; } } /** * gets a stream variable * * @param string $variable the stream of the variable * @return mixed the value of the stream variable */ public function getStreamVariable($variable) { $_result = ''; if ($fp = fopen($variable, 'r+')) { while (!feof($fp)) { $_result .= fgets($fp); } fclose($fp); return $_result; } if ($this->smarty->$error_unassigned) { throw new Exception('Undefined stream variable "' . $variable . '"'); } else { return ''; } } /** * creates a template object * * @param string $template the resource handle of the template file * @param object $parent next higher level of Smarty variables * @param mixed $cache_id cache id to be used with this template * @param mixed $compile_id compile id to be used with this template * @returns object template object */ public function createTemplate($template, $cache_id = null, $compile_id = null, $parent = null) { if (is_object($cache_id) || is_array($cache_id)) { $parent = $cache_id; $cache_id = null; } if (is_array($parent)) { $data = $parent; $parent = null; } else { $data = null; } if (!is_object($template)) { // we got a template resource $_templateId = $this->buildTemplateId ($template, $cache_id, $compile_id); // already in template cache? if (isset($this->smarty->template_objects[$_templateId]) && $this->smarty->caching) { // return cached template object $tpl = $this->smarty->template_objects[$_templateId]; } else { // create new template object $tpl = new $this->template_class($template, $this->smarty, $parent, $cache_id, $compile_id); } } else { // just return a copy of template class $tpl = $template; } // fill data if present if (is_array($data)) { // set up variable values foreach ($data as $_key => $_val) { $tpl->tpl_vars[$_key] = new Smarty_variable($_val); } } return $tpl; } /** * generates a template id * * @param string $_resource the resource handle of the template file * @param mixed $_cache_id cache id to be used with this template * @param mixed $_compile_id compile id to be used with this template * @returns string a unique template id */ function buildTemplateId ($_resource, $_cache_id, $_compile_id) { // return md5($_resource . md5($_cache_id) . md5($_compile_id)); return crc32($_resource . $_cache_id . $_compile_id); } /** * return current time * * @returns double current time */ function _get_time() { $_mtime = microtime(); $_mtime = explode(" ", $_mtime); return (double)($_mtime[1]) + (double)($_mtime[0]); } } /** * class for the Smarty data object * * The Smarty data object will hold Smarty variables in the current scope * * @param object $parent tpl_vars next higher level of Smarty variables */ class Smarty_Data extends Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase { // array of variable objects public $tpl_vars = array(); // back pointer to parent object public $parent = null; // config vars public $config_vars = array(); /** * create Smarty data object */ public function __construct ($_parent = null) { if (is_object($_parent)) { // when object set up back pointer $this->parent = $_parent; } elseif (is_array($_parent)) { // set up variable values foreach ($_parent as $_key => $_val) { $this->tpl_vars[$_key] = new Smarty_variable($_val); } } else { throw new Exception("Wrong type for template variables"); } } } /** * class for the Smarty variable object * * This class defines the Smarty variable object */ class Smarty_Variable { // template variable public $value; public $nocache; public $scope; /** * create Smarty variable object * * @param mixed $value the value to assign * @param boolean $nocache if true any output of this variable will be not cached * @param boolean $scope the scope the variable will have (local,parent or root) */ public function __construct ($value = null, $nocache = false, $scope = SMARTY_LOCAL_SCOPE) { $this->value = $value; $this->nocache = $nocache; $this->scope = $scope; } } /** * class for undefined variable object * * This class defines an object for undefined variable handling */ class Undefined_Smarty_Variable { // return always false public function __get ($name) { if ($name == 'nocache') { return false; } else { return null; } } } ?>