smarty = $smarty; // Smarty parameter $this->cache_id = $_cache_id === null ? $this->smarty->cache_id : $_cache_id; $this->compile_id = $_compile_id === null ? $this->smarty->compile_id : $_compile_id; $this->force_compile = $this->smarty->force_compile; $this->caching = $this->smarty->caching; $this->cache_lifetime = $this->smarty->cache_lifetime; $this->force_cache = $this->smarty->force_cache; $this->cacher_class = $this->smarty->cacher_class; $this->caching_type = $this->smarty->default_caching_type; $this->security = $this->smarty->security; $this->cache_resource_class = 'Smarty_Internal_CacheResource_' . ucfirst($this->caching_type); $this->parent = $_parent; $this->properties['file_dependency'] = array(); // dummy local smarty variable $this->tpl_vars['smarty'] = new Smarty_Variable; // Template resource $this->template_resource = $template_resource; // parse resource name if (!$this->parseResourceName ($template_resource, $this->resource_type, $this->resource_name, $this->resource_object)) { throw new Exception ("Unable to parse resource name \"{$template_resource}\""); } // load cache resource if (!$this->isEvaluated() && $this->caching) { $this->cache_resource_object = new $this->cache_resource_class($this->smarty); } } /** * Returns the template filepath * * The template filepath is determined by the actual resource handler * * @return string the template filepath */ public function getTemplateFilepath () { return $this->template_filepath === null ? $this->template_filepath = $this->resource_object->getTemplateFilepath($this) : $this->template_filepath; } /** * Returns the timpestamp of the template source * * The template timestamp is determined by the actual resource handler * * @return integer the template timestamp */ public function getTemplateTimestamp () { return $this->template_timestamp === null ? $this->template_timestamp = $this->resource_object->getTemplateTimestamp($this) : $this->template_timestamp; } /** * Returns the template source code * * The template source is being read by the actual resource handler * * @return string the template source */ public function getTemplateSource () { if ($this->template_source === null) { if (!$this->resource_object->getTemplateSource($this)) { throw new Exception("Unable to read template {$this->resource_type} '{$this->resource_name}'"); } } return $this->template_source; } /** * Returns if the template is existing * * The status is determined by the actual resource handler * * @return boolean true if the template exists */ public function isExisting ($error = false) { if ($this->isExisting === null) { $this->isExisting = $this->resource_object->isExisting($this); } if (!$this->isExisting && $error) { throw new Exception("Unable to load template {$this->resource_type} '{$this->resource_name}'"); } return $this->isExisting; } /** * Returns if the template resource uses the Smarty compiler * * The status is determined by the actual resource handler * * @return boolean true if the template will use the compiler */ public function usesCompiler () { return $this->usesCompiler === null ? $this->usesCompiler = $this->resource_object->usesCompiler() : $this->usesCompiler; } /** * Returns if the compiled template is stored or just evaluated in memory * * The status is determined by the actual resource handler * * @return boolean true if the compiled template has to be evaluated */ public function isEvaluated () { return $this->isEvaluated === null ? $this->isEvaluated = $this->resource_object->isEvaluated() : $this->isEvaluated; } /** * Returns if the current template must be compiled by the Smarty compiler * * It does compare the timestamps of template source and the compiled templates and checks the force compile configuration * * @return boolean true if the template must be compiled */ public function mustCompile () { $this->isExisting(true); if ($this->mustCompile === null) { $this->mustCompile = ($this->usesCompiler() && ($this->force_compile || $this->isEvaluated() || ($this->smarty->compile_check && $this->getCompiledTimestamp () !== $this->getTemplateTimestamp ()))); } return $this->mustCompile; } /** * Returns the compiled template filepath * * @return string the template filepath */ public function getCompiledFilepath () { return $this->compiled_filepath === null ? ($this->compiled_filepath = !$this->isEvaluated() ? $this->resource_object->getCompiledFilepath($this) : false) : $this->compiled_filepath; } /** * Returns the timpestamp of the compiled template * * @return integer the template timestamp */ public function getCompiledTimestamp () { return $this->compiled_timestamp === null ? ($this->compiled_timestamp = (!$this->isEvaluated() && file_exists($this->getCompiledFilepath())) ? filemtime($this->getCompiledFilepath()) : false) : $this->compiled_timestamp; } /** * Returns the compiled template * * It checks if the template must be compiled or just read from the template resource * * @return string the compiled template */ public function getCompiledTemplate () { if ($this->compiled_template === null) { // see if template needs compiling. if ($this->mustCompile()) { $this->compileTemplateSource(); } else { if ($this->compiled_template === null) { $this->compiled_template = !$this->isEvaluated() && $this->usesCompiler() ? file_get_contents($this->getCompiledFilepath()) : false; } } } return $this->compiled_template; } /** * Compiles the template * * If the template is not evaluated the compiled template is saved on disk */ public function compileTemplateSource () { $_start_time = $this->_get_time(); if (!$this->isEvaluated) { $this->properties['file_dependency']['F' . abs(crc32($this->getTemplateFilepath()))] = array($this->getTemplateFilepath(), $this->getTemplateTimestamp()); } // compile template if (!is_object($this->compiler_object)) { // load compiler $this->smarty->loadPlugin($this->resource_object->compiler_class); $this->compiler_object = new $this->resource_object->compiler_class($this->resource_object->template_lexer_class, $this->resource_object->template_parser_class, $this->smarty); // load cacher if ($this->caching) { $this->smarty->loadPlugin($this->cacher_class); $this->cacher_object = new $this->cacher_class($this->smarty); } } // call compiler if ($this->compiler_object->compileTemplate($this)) { // compiling succeded if (!$this->isEvaluated()) { // write compiled template Smarty_Internal_Write_File::writeFile($this->getCompiledFilepath(), $this->compiled_template); // make template and compiled file timestamp match $this->compiled_timestamp = null; touch($this->getCompiledFilepath(), $this->getTemplateTimestamp()); // daylight saving time problem on windows if ($this->template_timestamp != $this->getCompiledTimestamp()) { touch($this->getCompiledFilepath(),2*$this->template_timestamp - $this->compiled_timestamp); } } } else { // error compiling template throw new Exception("Error compiling template {$this->getTemplateFilepath ()}"); return false; } $this->compile_time += $this->_get_time() - $_start_time; } /** * Returns the filepath of the cached template output * * The filepath is determined by the actual resource handler of the cacher * * @return string the cache filepath */ public function getCachedFilepath () { return $this->cached_filepath === null ? $this->cached_filepath = ($this->isEvaluated() || !$this->caching) ? false : $this->cache_resource_object->getCachedFilepath($this) : $this->cached_filepath; } /** * Returns the timpestamp of the cached template output * * The timestamp is determined by the actual resource handler of the cacher * * @return integer the template timestamp */ public function getCachedTimestamp () { return $this->cached_timestamp === null ? $this->cached_timestamp = ($this->isEvaluated() || !$this->caching) ? false : $this->cache_resource_object->getCachedTimestamp($this) : $this->cached_timestamp; } /** * Returns the cached template output * * @return string |booelan the template content or false if the file does not exist */ public function getCachedContent () { return $this->rendered_content === null ? $this->rendered_content = ($this->isEvaluated() || !$this->caching) ? false : $this->cache_resource_object->getCachedContents($this) : $this->rendered_content; } /** * Writes the cached template output */ public function writeCachedContent () { // build file dependency string $this->properties['cache_lifetime'] = $this->cache_lifetime; return ($this->isEvaluated() || !$this->caching) ? false : $this->cache_resource_object->writeCachedContent($this, $this->createPropertyHeader() . $this->rendered_content); } /** * Checks of a valid version redered HTML output is in the cache * * If the cache is valid the contents is stored in the template object * * @return boolean true if cache is valid */ public function isCached () { if ($this->isCached === null) { $this->isCached = false; if ($this->caching && !$this->isEvaluated() && !$this->force_compile && !$this->force_cache) { if ($this->getCachedTimestamp() === false) { return $this->isCached; } if (($this->caching == SMARTY_CACHING_LIFETIME_SAVED || ($this->caching == SMARTY_CACHING_LIFETIME_CURRENT && (time() <= ($this->getCachedTimestamp() + $this->cache_lifetime) || $this->cache_lifetime < 0)))) { $_start_time = $this->_get_time(); $this->rendered_content = $this->cache_resource_object->getCachedContents($this); $this->cache_time += $this->_get_time() - $_start_time; if ($this->caching == SMARTY_CACHING_LIFETIME_SAVED && $this->properties['cache_lifetime'] >0 && (time() > ($this->getCachedTimestamp() + $this->properties['cache_lifetime']))) { $this->rendered_content = null; return $this->isCached; } if (!empty($this->properties['file_dependency']) && $this->smarty->compile_check) { foreach ($this->properties['file_dependency'] as $_file_to_check) { $this->getResourceTypeName($_file_to_check[0], $resource_type, $resource_name); If ($resource_type == 'file') { $mtime = filemtime($_file_to_check[0]); } else { $resource_handler = $this->loadTemplateResourceHandler($resource_type); $mtime = $resource_handler->getTemplateTimestampTypeName($resource_type, $resource_name); } // If ($mtime > $this->getCachedTimestamp()) { If ($mtime > $_file_to_check[1]) { $this->rendered_content = null; $this->properties['file_dependency'] = array(); return $this->isCached; } } } $this->isCached = true; } } } return $this->isCached; } /** * Render the output using the compiled template or the PHP template source * * The rendering process is accomplished by just including the PHP files. * The only exceptions are evaluated templates (string template). Their code has * to be evaluated */ public function renderTemplate () { if ($this->usesCompiler()) { if ($this->mustCompile() && $this->compiled_template === null) { $this->compileTemplateSource(); } $_smarty_tpl = $this; $_start_time = $this->_get_time(); ob_start(); if ($this->isEvaluated()) { eval("?>" . $this->compiled_template); } else { include($this->getCompiledFilepath ()); // check file dependencies at compiled code if ($this->smarty->compile_check) { if (!empty($this->properties['file_dependency'])) { $this->mustCompile = false; foreach ($this->properties['file_dependency'] as $_file_to_check) { $this->getResourceTypeName($_file_to_check[0], $resource_type, $resource_name); If ($resource_type == 'file') { $mtime = filemtime($_file_to_check[0]); } else { $resource_handler = $this->loadTemplateResourceHandler($resource_type); $mtime = $resource_handler->getTemplateTimestampTypeName($resource_type, $resource_name); } If ($mtime != $_file_to_check[1]) { $this->properties['file_dependency'] = array(); $this->mustCompile = true; break; } } if ($this->mustCompile) { // recompile and render again ob_get_clean(); $this->compileTemplateSource(); ob_start(); include($this->getCompiledFilepath ()); } } } } } else { if (is_callable(array($this->resource_object, 'renderUncompiled'))) { $_start_time = $this->_get_time(); ob_start(); $this->resource_object->renderUncompiled($this); } else { throw new Exception("Resource '$this->resource_type' must have 'renderUncompiled' methode"); } } $this->rendered_content = ob_get_clean(); $this->render_time += $this->_get_time() - $_start_time; if (!$this->isEvaluated) { $this->properties['file_dependency']['F' . abs(crc32($this->getTemplateFilepath()))] = array($this->getTemplateFilepath(), $this->getTemplateTimestamp()); } if ($this->parent instanceof Smarty_Template or $this->parent instanceof Smarty_Internal_Template) { // var_dump('merge ', $this->parent->getTemplateFilepath(), $this->parent->properties['file_dependency'], $this->getTemplateFilepath(), $this->properties['file_dependency']); $this->parent->properties['file_dependency'] = array_merge($this->parent->properties['file_dependency'], $this->properties['file_dependency']); } // write to cache when nessecary if (!$this->isEvaluated() && $this->caching) { // write rendered template $this->writeCachedContent($this); // cache file may contain nocache code. read it back for processing $this->rendered_content = $this->cache_resource_object->getCachedContents($this); } } /** * Returns the rendered HTML output * * If the cache is valid the cached content is used, otherwise * the output is rendered from the compiled template or PHP template source * * @return string rendered HTML output */ public function getRenderedTemplate () { // disable caching for evaluated code if ($this->isEvaluated()) { $this->caching = false; } // checks if template exists $this->isExisting(true); // read from cache or render if ($this->rendered_content === null && !$this->isCached()) { // render template (not loaded and not in cache) $this->renderTemplate(); } $this->updateParentVariables(); return (isset($this->smarty->autoload_filters['output']) || isset($this->smarty->registered_filters['output']))? $this->smarty->filter_handler->execute('output', $this->rendered_content) : $this->rendered_content; } /** * Parse a template resource in its name and type * Load required resource handler * * @param string $template_resource template resource specification * @param string $resource_type return resource type * @param string $resource_name return resource name * @param object $resource_handler return resource handler object */ public function parseResourceName($template_resource, &$resource_type, &$resource_name, &$resource_handler) { if (empty($template_resource)) return false; $this->getResourceTypeName($template_resource, $resource_type, $resource_name); $resource_handler = $this->loadTemplateResourceHandler($resource_type); // cache template object under a unique ID // do not cache string resources // ***** if ($resource_type != 'string' && $this->smarty->caching) { if ($resource_type != 'string') { $this->smarty->template_objects[$this->buildTemplateId ($this->template_resource, $this->cache_id, $this->compile_id)] = $this; } return true; } /** * get system filepath to template */ public function buildTemplateFilepath ($file = null) { if ($file == null) { $file = $this->resource_name; } foreach((array)$this->smarty->template_dir as $_template_dir) { if (strpos('/\\', substr($_template_dir, -1)) === false) { $_template_dir .= DS; } $_filepath = $_template_dir . $file; if (file_exists($_filepath)) return $_filepath; } if (file_exists($file)) return $file; // no tpl file found if (!empty($this->smarty->default_template_handler_func)) { if (!is_callable($this->smarty->default_template_handler_func)) { throw new Exception("Default template handler not callable"); } else { $_return = call_user_func_array($this->smarty->default_template_handler_func, array($this->resource_type, $this->resource_name, &$this->template_source, &$this->template_timestamp, &$this)); if ($_return == true) { return $_filepath; } } } // throw new Exception("Unable to load template \"{$file}\""); return false; } /** * Decode saved properties from compiled template and cache files */ public function decodeProperties ($properties) { $prop = unserialize($properties); if (isset($prop['cache_lifetime'])) { $this->properties['cache_lifetime'] = $prop['cache_lifetime']; } if (isset($prop['file_dependency'])) { $this->properties['file_dependency'] = array_merge($this->properties['file_dependency'], $prop['file_dependency']); // $this->properties['file_dependency'] = array_unique($this->properties['file_dependency']); } if (!empty($prop['function'])) { foreach ($prop['function'] as $_name => $_data) { $this->smarty->template_functions[$_name]['compiled'] = str_replace('_%n', "\n", $_data['compiled']); $this->smarty->template_functions[$_name]['parameter'] = $_data['parameter']; } } } /** * Update Smarty variables in parent variable object */ public function updateParentVariables ($scope = SMARTY_LOCAL_SCOPE) { foreach ($this->tpl_vars as $_key => $_variable) { // copy global vars back to parent if (isset($this->parent) && ($scope == SMARTY_PARENT_SCOPE || $this->tpl_vars[$_key]->scope == SMARTY_PARENT_SCOPE)) { if (isset($this->parent->tpl_vars[$_key])) { // variable is already defined in parent, copy value $this->parent->tpl_vars[$_key]->value = $this->tpl_vars[$_key]->value; } else { // create variable in parent $this->parent->tpl_vars[$_key] = clone $_variable; $this->parent->tpl_vars[$_key]->scope = SMARTY_LOCAL_SCOPE; } } if ($scope == SMARTY_ROOT_SCOPE || $this->tpl_vars[$_key]->scope == SMARTY_ROOT_SCOPE) { $_ptr = $this; // find root while ($_ptr->parent != null) { $_ptr = $_ptr->parent; } if (isset($_ptr->tpl_vars[$_key])) { // variable is already defined in root, copy value $_ptr->tpl_vars[$_key]->value = $this->tpl_vars[$_key]->value; } else { // create variable in root $_ptr->tpl_vars[$_key] = clone $_variable; $_ptr->tpl_vars[$_key]->scope = SMARTY_LOCAL_SCOPE; } } if ($scope == SMARTY_GLOBAL_SCOPE || $this->tpl_vars[$_key]->scope == SMARTY_GLOBAL_SCOPE) { if (isset($this->smarty->global_tpl_vars[$_key])) { // variable is already defined in root, copy value $this->smarty->global_tpl_vars[$_key]->value = $this->tpl_vars[$_key]->value; } else { // create variable in root $this->smarty->global_tpl_vars[$_key] = clone $_variable; } $this->smarty->global_tpl_vars[$_key]->scope = SMARTY_LOCAL_SCOPE; } } } /** * Split a template resource in its name and type * * @param string $template_resource template resource specification * @param string $resource_type return resource type * @param string $resource_name return resource name */ private function getResourceTypeName ($template_resource, &$resource_type, &$resource_name) { if (strpos($template_resource, ':') === false) { // no resource given, use default $resource_type = $this->smarty->default_resource_type; $resource_name = $template_resource; } else { // get type and name from path list($resource_type, $resource_name) = explode(':', $template_resource, 2); if (strlen($resource_type) == 1) { // 1 char is not resource type, but part of filepath $resource_type = 'file'; $resource_name = $template_resource; } else { $resource_type = strtolower($resource_type); } } } /** * Load template resource handler by type * * @param string $resource_type template resource type * @return object resource handler object */ private function loadTemplateResourceHandler ($resource_type) { // load resource handler if required if (!isset($this->smarty->resource_objects[$resource_type])) { // try registered resource if (isset($this->smarty->_plugins['resource'][$resource_type])) { return $this->smarty->resource_objects[$resource_type] = new Smarty_Internal_Resource_Registered($this->smarty); } else { // try sysplugins dir $_resource_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Resource_' . $resource_type; if ($this->smarty->loadPlugin($_resource_class)) { return $this->smarty->resource_objects[$resource_type] = new $_resource_class($this->smarty); } else { // try plugins dir $_resource_class = 'Smarty_Resource_' . $resource_type; if ($this->smarty->loadPlugin($_resource_class)) { if (class_exists($_resource_class, false)) { return $this->smarty->resource_objects[$resource_type] = new $_resource_class($this->smarty); } else { $this->smarty->register_resource($resource_type, array("smarty_resource_{$resource_type}_source", "smarty_resource_{$resource_type}_timestamp", "smarty_resource_{$resource_type}_secure", "smarty_resource_{$resource_type}_trusted")); return $this->smarty->resource_objects[$resource_type] = new Smarty_Internal_Resource_Registered($this->smarty); } } else { // try streams $_known_stream = stream_get_wrappers(); if (in_array($resource_type, $_known_stream)) { // is known stream if ($this->smarty->security) { $this->smarty->security_handler->isTrustedStream($resource_type); } return $this->smarty->resource_objects[$resource_type] = new Smarty_Internal_Resource_Stream($this->smarty); } else { throw new Exception('Unkown resource type \'' . $resource_type . '\''); } } } } } else { return $this->smarty->resource_objects[$resource_type]; } } /** * Create property header */ public function createPropertyHeader () { $directory_security = $this->smarty->direct_access_security ? "\n" : ''; $properties_string = "decodeProperties('" . str_replace("'", '"', (serialize($this->properties))) . "'); ?>\n"; return $directory_security . $properties_string; } /** * wrapper for display */ public function display () { return $this->smarty->display($this); } /** * wrapper for fetch */ public function fetch () { return $this->smarty->fetch($this); } /** * wrapper for is_cached */ public function is_cached () { return $this->iscached($this); } } /** * wrapper for template class */ class Smarty_Template extends Smarty_Internal_Template { } ?>