smarty = $smarty; } // classes used for compiling Smarty templates from file resource public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser'; /** * Return flag if template source is existing * * @param object $template template object * @return boolean result */ public function isExisting($template) { if ($template->getTemplateFilepath() === false) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Get filepath to template source * * @param object $template template object * @return string filepath to template source file */ public function getTemplateFilepath($template) { $_files = explode('|', $template->resource_name); $_filepath = $template->buildTemplateFilepath ($_files[count($_files)-1]); if ($_filepath !== false) { if ($template->security) { $template->smarty->security_handler->isTrustedResourceDir($_filepath); } } return $_filepath; } /** * Get timestamp to template source * * @param object $template template object * @return integer timestamp of template source file */ public function getTemplateTimestamp($template) { return filemtime($template->getTemplateFilepath()); } /** * Read template source from file * * @param object $template template object * @return string content of template source file */ public function getTemplateSource($template) { $this->template = $template; $_files = explode('|', $template->resource_name); $_files = array_reverse($_files); foreach ($_files as $_file) { $_filepath = $template->buildTemplateFilepath ($_file); // read template file if ($_filepath === false) { throw new Exception("Unable to load template \"file : {$_file}\""); } if ($_file != $_files[0]) { $template->properties['file_dependency']['F' . abs(crc32($_filepath))] = array($_filepath, filemtime($_filepath)); } $_content = file_get_contents($_filepath); if ($_file != $_files[count($_files)-1]) { if (preg_match_all('/(' . $this->smarty->left_delimiter . 'block(.+?)' . $this->smarty->right_delimiter . ')/', $_content, $_open, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) != preg_match_all('/(' . $this->smarty->left_delimiter . '\/block(.*?)' . $this->smarty->right_delimiter . ')/', $_content, $_close, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { $this->smarty->trigger_error(" unmatched {block} {/block} pairs"); } $_block_count = count($_open[0]); for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_block_count; $_i++) { $_block_content = str_replace($this->smarty->left_delimiter . '$smarty.parent' . $this->smarty->right_delimiter, '%%%%SMARTY_PARENT%%%%', substr($_content, $_open[0][$_i][1] + strlen($_open[0][$_i][0]), $_close[0][$_i][1] - $_open[0][$_i][1] - strlen($_open[0][$_i][0]))); $this->saveBlockData($_block_content, $_open[0][$_i][0]); } } else { $template->template_source = $_content; return true; } } } protected function saveBlockData($block_content, $block_tag) { if (0 == preg_match('/(.?)(name=)([^ ]*)/', $block_tag, $_match)) { $this->smarty->trigger_error("\"" . $block_tag . "\" missing name attribute"); } else { // compile block content $_tpl = $this->smarty->createTemplate('string:' . $block_content); $_tpl->template_filepath = $this->template->getTemplateFilepath(); $_tpl->suppressFileDependency = true; $_compiled_content = $_tpl->getCompiledTemplate(); unset($_tpl); $_name = trim($_match[3], "\"'}"); if (isset($this->smarty->block_data[$_name])) { if (strpos($this->smarty->block_data[$_name]['compiled'], '%%%%SMARTY_PARENT%%%%') !== false) { $this->smarty->block_data[$_name]['compiled'] = str_replace('%%%%SMARTY_PARENT%%%%', $_compiled_content, $this->smarty->block_data[$_name]['compiled']); } elseif ($this->smarty->block_data[$_name]['mode'] == 'prepend') { $this->smarty->block_data[$_name]['compiled'] .= $_compiled_content; } elseif ($this->smarty->block_data[$_name]['mode'] == 'append') { $this->smarty->block_data[$_name]['compiled'] = $_compiled_content . $this->smarty->block_data[$_name]['compiled']; } } else { $this->smarty->block_data[$_name]['compiled'] = $_compiled_content; } if (preg_match('/(.?)(append=true)(.*)/', $block_tag, $_match) != 0) { $this->smarty->block_data[$_name]['mode'] = 'append'; } elseif (preg_match('/(.?)(prepend=true)(.*)/', $block_tag, $_match) != 0) { $this->smarty->block_data[$_name]['mode'] = 'prepend'; } else { $this->smarty->block_data[$_name]['mode'] = 'replace'; } } } /** * Return flag that this resource uses the compiler * * @return boolean true */ public function usesCompiler() { // template has tags, uses compiler return true; } /** * Return flag that this is not evaluated * * @return boolean false */ public function isEvaluated() { // save the compiled file to disk, do not evaluate return false; } /** * Get filepath to compiled template * * @param object $template template object * @return string return path to compiled template */ public function getCompiledFilepath($template) { $_files = explode('|', $template->resource_name); $_filepath = (string)abs(crc32($template->resource_name)); // if use_sub_dirs, break file into directories if ($template->smarty->use_sub_dirs) { $_filepath = substr($_filepath, 0, 2) . DS . substr($_filepath, 2, 2) . DS . substr($_filepath, 4, 2) . DS . $_filepath; } $_compile_dir_sep = $template->smarty->use_sub_dirs ? DS : '^'; if (isset($template->compile_id)) { $_filepath = $template->compile_id . $_compile_dir_sep . $_filepath; } if ($template->caching) { $_cache = '.cache'; } else { $_cache = ''; } $_compile_dir = $template->smarty->compile_dir; if (substr($_compile_dir, -1) != DS) { $_compile_dir .= DS; } return $_compile_dir . $_filepath . '.' . basename($_files[count($_files)-1]) . $_cache . $template->smarty->php_ext; } } ?>