smarty = $smarty; } /** * Returns the filepath of the cached template output * * @param object $template current template * @return string the cache filepath */ public function getCachedFilepath($template) { return $this->buildCachedFilepath ($template->resource_name, $template->cache_id, $template->compile_id); } /** * Returns the timpestamp of the cached template output * * @param object $template current template * @return integer |booelan the template timestamp or false if the file does not exist */ public function getCachedTimestamp($template) { return ($template->getCachedFilepath() && file_exists($template->getCachedFilepath())) ? filemtime($template->getCachedFilepath()) : false ; } /** * Returns the cached template output * * @param object $template current template * @return string |booelan the template content or false if the file does not exist */ public function getCachedContents($template) { ob_start(); $_smarty_tpl = $template; include $template->getCachedFilepath(); return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Writes the rendered template output to cache file * * @param object $template current template * @return boolean status */ public function writeCachedContent($template, $content) { if (!$template->isEvaluated()) { return Smarty_Internal_Write_File::writeFile($template->getCachedFilepath(), $content); } else { return false; } } /** * Empty cache folder * * @param integer $exp_time expiration time * @return integer number of cache files deleted */ public function clearAll($exp_time = null) { return $this->clear(null, null, null, $exp_time); } /** * Empty cache for a specific template * * @param string $resource_name template name * @param string $cache_id cache id * @param string $compile_id compile id * @param integer $exp_time expiration time * @return integer number of cache files deleted */ public function clear($resource_name, $cache_id, $compile_id, $exp_time) { $_dir_sep = $this->smarty->use_sub_dirs ? DS : '^'; if (isset($resource_name)) { $_resource_part = (string)abs(crc32($resource_name)) . '.' . $resource_name . $this->smarty->php_ext; } else { $_resource_part = null; } $_dir = $this->smarty->cache_dir; if (strpos('/\\', substr($_dir, -1)) === false) { $_dir .= DS; } if ($this->smarty->use_sub_dirs && isset($cache_id)) { $_dir .= str_replace('|', $_dir_sep, $cache_id) . $_dir_sep; } $_compile_pos = $this->smarty->use_sub_dirs ? 5 : 2; $_count = 0; $_cacheDirs = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($_dir); $_cache = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($_cacheDirs, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST); foreach ($_cache as $_file) { if (strpos($_file, '.svn') !== false) continue; if ($_file->isDir()) { if (!$_cache->isDot()) { // delete folder if empty @rmdir($_file->getPathname()); } } else { $_parts = explode($_dir_sep, $_file); $_parts_count = count($_parts); $_parts_compile_pos = $_parts_count - $_compile_pos; if ($_parts_compile_pos < 0) { $_parts_compile_pos = 0; } if ((substr_compare((string)$_file, $_dir, 0, strlen($_dir)) == 0 && (!isset($resource_name) || $_parts[$_parts_count-1] == $_resource_part) && (!isset($compile_id) || $_parts[$_parts_compile_pos] == $compile_id)) || (isset($resource_name) && (string)$_file == $_dir . $_resource_part)) { if (isset($exp_time)) { if (time() - @filemtime($_file) >= $exp_time) { $_count += unlink((string) $_file) ? 1 : 0; } } else { $_count += unlink((string) $_file) ? 1 : 0; } } } } return $_count; } /** * Get system filepath to cached file * * @param string $resource_name template name * @param string $cache_id cache id * @param string $compile_id compile id * @return string filepath of cache file */ private function buildCachedFilepath ($resource_name, $cache_id, $compile_id) { $_files = explode('|', $resource_name); $_filepath = (string)abs(crc32($resource_name)); // if use_sub_dirs, break file into directories if ($this->smarty->use_sub_dirs) { $_filepath = substr($_filepath, 0, 2) . DS . substr($_filepath, 2, 2) . DS . substr($_filepath, 4, 2) . DS . $_filepath; } $_compile_dir_sep = $this->smarty->use_sub_dirs ? DS : '^'; if (isset($cache_id)) { $_cache_id = str_replace('|', $_compile_dir_sep, $cache_id) . $_compile_dir_sep; } else { $_cache_id = ''; } if (isset($compile_id)) { $_compile_id = $compile_id . $_compile_dir_sep; } else { $_compile_id = ''; } $_cache_dir = $this->smarty->cache_dir; if (strpos('/\\', substr($_cache_dir, -1)) === false) { $_cache_dir .= DS; } return $_cache_dir . $_cache_id . $_compile_id . $_filepath . '.' . basename($_files[count($_files)-1]) . $this->smarty->php_ext; } } ?>