= 5 && $g <= 0) $g = 0; elseif ($g < 1) $g = 1; if ($g > MAX_AMAS) $g = 1; if (isset($_GET['ss'])) $s = floor($_GET['ss']); else $s = $queryPlanete['ss']; if ($s < 1) $s = 1; if ($s > MAX_SYSTEME) $s = MAX_SYSTEME; if ($s == 1 && $g > 1) { $Gmu = $g - 1; $Smu = MAX_SYSTEME; } elseif ($s == 1) { $Gmu = 15; $Smu = MAX_SYSTEME; } else { $Gmu = $g; $Smu = $s - 1; } if ($s == MAX_SYSTEME) { $Gpu = $g + 1; $Spu = 1; } else { $Gpu = $g; $Spu = $s + 1; } $TEMP_carte = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= MAX_PLANETE; $i++) { $bdd->connexion(); $bdd->escape($g); $bdd->escape($s); $resultat = $bdd->query("SELECT id FROM $table_planete WHERE galaxie = '$g' AND ss = '$s' AND position = '$i';"); if($resultat) { $d = $bdd->unique_query("SELECT id_user, nom_planete, debris_met, debris_cri FROM $table_planete WHERE galaxie = '$g' AND ss = '$s' AND position = '$i';"); $id_user = $d['id_user']; $e = $bdd->unique_query("SELECT pseudo, race, id_alliance FROM $table_user WHERE id = '$id_user'"); if ($e['id_alliance']) { $alliId = $e['id_alliance']; $eA = $bdd->unique_query("SELECT tag FROM $table_alliances WHERE id = '$alliId';"); } else $eA = false; $bdd->deconnexion(); if ($e['race'] == 'covenant') $ra = '(c)'; elseif ($auth_level >= 6 && md5($e['race']) == '34c19b21bd4a3dda389e767d32fe9779') $ra = '(f)'; else $ra = '(h)'; $TEMP_carte[] = array($i, htmlspecialchars($d['nom_planete']), $d['debris_met'], $d['debris_cri'], $ra, $e['pseudo'], 'Message', $eA['tag']); } else { $bdd->deconnexion(); $TEMP_carte[] = array($i); } } $template->assign('carte',$TEMP_carte); $template->assign('position',array($g, $s, $Gpu, $Spu, $Gmu, $Smu)); ?>