#!/bin/bash # This script synchronizes first, the generated frontend and then # retrieves submissions BASEDIR="/srv" FRONTEND_HOSTNAME="deimos" SSH_OPTS="/usr/bin/ssh -p 22 -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPath=/root/.ssh/%r@%h:%p -o ControlPersist=2 -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" cd "${BASEDIR}" touch /tmp/stop # Synchronize static files in a separate loop (to avoid submissions delays during file synchronization) while ! [ -f SETTINGS/stop ] || [ /tmp/stop -nt SETTINGS/stop ] do rsync -e "$SSH_OPTS" -av --delete FILES "${FRONTEND_HOSTNAME}":"${BASEDIR}" sleep 5 done & while ! [ -f SETTINGS/stop ] || [ /tmp/stop -nt SETTINGS/stop ] do # Synchronize static files pages rsync -e "$SSH_OPTS" -av --delete PKI TEAMS SETTINGS "${FRONTEND_HOSTNAME}":"${BASEDIR}" # Synchronize submissions rsync -e "$SSH_OPTS" -av --ignore-existing --delay-updates --temp-dir=.tmp/ --partial-dir=.tmp/ --remove-source-files "${FRONTEND_HOSTNAME}":"${BASEDIR}"/submissions/ submissions/ sleep 0.3 done wait echo See you