keys: # Add key signature below - &admin_antoine C8CEBB1753433CCCD2AF0638BD721F0A3BAE578C # Update this signature with phobos' # Run the following line to get the fingerprint and the public key of Phobos # ``` # ssh root@phobos "cat /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key" | nix-shell -p ssh-to-pgp --run "ssh-to-pgp -o phobos.asc" # ``` # You have to import the key afterward using `gpg --import phobos.asc` - &srv_phobos 9cb1fda8a56fa7ab852f666fc3592125321adf42 # replace this fingerprint with the new one `gpg --list-keys` creation_rules: - path: secrets/phobos.yaml key_groups: - pgp: - *admin_antoine - *srv_phobos