load($_FILES["inputFile"]['tmp_name'])) { erreur("Unable to parse given file. A XML file was expected."); return; } // Define thema information $theme = new Theme(); $xpath = new DOMXpath($doc); $elements = $xpath->query("//theme/title"); if (!is_null($elements)) { foreach ($elements as $element) { if ($element->nodeName == "title") $theme->name = $element->nodeValue; } } // Insert thema into BDD if (!$theme->update()) { erreur("Unable to add a new theme."); return; } $elements = $xpath->query("//theme/exercice"); if (!is_null($elements)) { foreach ($elements as $element) { $ex = new Exercice(); $ex->id = $element->getAttribute("id"); $ex->level = $element->getAttribute("level"); if ($element->hasAttribute("depends")) $ex->require = $element->getAttribute("depends"); foreach ($element->childNodes as $child) { if ($child->nodeName == "title") $ex->title = $child->nodeValue; else if ($child->nodeName == "points") $ex->points = intval($child->nodeValue); else if ($child->nodeName == "statement") $ex->statement = $child->nodeValue; else if ($child->nodeName == "key") $ex->add_key( $child->hasAttribute("format")?$child->getAttribute("format"):"sha512", $child->nodeValue); else if ($child->nodeName == "file") { $path = $child->getAttribute("path"); if ($path[0] == "/") $path = substr($path, 1); $ex->add_file( $path, $child->nodeValue, $child->getAttribute("sha1")); } } if (!$theme->add_exercice($ex)) erreur("Unable to add '".$ex->id."' exercice."); } } erreur("XML file successfully imported.", "success"); } return "admin/import_exercices";