package fic import ( "fmt" "path" "strings" ) // exportedExercice is a structure representing a challenge, as exposed to players. type exportedExercice struct { Title string `json:"title"` Headline string `json:"headline,omitempty"` URLId string `json:"urlid"` Tags []string `json:"tags"` Gain int64 `json:"gain"` Coeff float64 `json:"curcoeff"` Solved int64 `json:"solved"` Tried int64 `json:"tried"` } // exportedTheme is a structure representing a Theme, as exposed to players. type exportedTheme struct { Name string `json:"name"` URLId string `json:"urlid"` Authors string `json:"authors"` Headline string `json:"headline,omitempty"` Intro string `json:"intro"` Image string `json:"image,omitempty"` Exercices map[string]exportedExercice `json:"exercices"` } // Exportedthemes exports themes from the database, to be displayed to players. func ExportThemes() (interface{}, error) { if themes, err := GetThemes(); err != nil { return nil, err } else { ret := map[string]exportedTheme{} for _, theme := range themes { if exercices, err := theme.GetExercices(); err != nil { return nil, err } else { exos := map[string]exportedExercice{} for _, exercice := range exercices { tags, _ := exercice.GetTags() exos[fmt.Sprintf("%d", exercice.Id)] = exportedExercice{ exercice.Title, exercice.Headline, exercice.URLId, tags, exercice.Gain, exercice.Coefficient, exercice.SolvedCount(), exercice.TriedTeamCount(), } } imgpath := "" if len(theme.Image) > 0 { imgpath = path.Join(FilesDir, theme.Image) } ret[fmt.Sprintf("%d", theme.Id)] = exportedTheme{ theme.Name, theme.URLId, theme.Authors, theme.Headline, strings.Replace(theme.Intro, "$FILES$", FilesDir, -1), imgpath, exos, } } } return ret, nil } }