escape($id); $res = $db->unique_query("SELECT `id`, `id_theme`, `require`, `level`, `points`, `statement` FROM exercices WHERE id = '$id'"); if (!empty($res)) { $this->files = $db->query("SELECT `id`, `path`, `name`, `sha1` FROM exercice_files WHERE id_exercice = '$id'"); // Decode sha1 if ($this->files) foreach($this->files as &$f) { $f["path_orig"] = $f["path"]; if (isset($VAR["files_dir"])) $f["path"] = $VAR["files_dir"].$f["path"]; $f["basename"] = basename($f["path"]); $f["sha1"] = strhex($f["sha1"]); } $this->keys = $db->query("SELECT `id`, `format`, `value` FROM exercice_keys WHERE id_exercice = '$id'"); $db->deconnexion(); if (!empty($theme)) { if ($res['id_theme'] == $theme->get_id()) $this->theme = $theme; else throw new InvalidThemeException(); } else $this->theme = new Theme($res['id_theme']); $this->id = $res['id']; $this->require = $res['require']; $this->level = $res['level']; $this->points = $res['points']; $this->statement = $res['statement']; $this->set_number(); } else { $db->deconnexion(); throw new ExerciceNotFoundException(); } } } function get_id() { return $this->id; } function get_name() { return "Exercice ".$this->number; } // retourne le nombre d'equipes qui ont résolues l'exercice // trié par date function get_solved() { $db = new BDD(); $res = $db->query("SELECT `id_team`, `time` FROM solved WHERE id_exercice = '$this->id' ORDER BY time"); $db->deconnexion(); return $res; } function is_unlocked($team) { if ($this->require == "") return 1; $db = new BDD(); $res = $db->unique_query("SELECT `id` FROM solved WHERE id_team = '".intval($team->id)."' AND id_exercice = '$this->require'"); $db->deconnexion(); if (empty($res)) return 0; return 1; } function has_solved($team) { $db = new BDD(); $res = $db->unique_query("SELECT `time` FROM solved WHERE id_exercice = '$this->id' AND id_team = ".intval($team->get_id())); $db->deconnexion(); return $res["time"]; } function set_number() { if ($this->require == "") $this->number = 1; $db = new BDD(); $exo = $this->id; $ret = 0; $checked = array(); do { array_push($checked, $exo); $res = $db->unique_query("SELECT `require` FROM exercices WHERE id = '".$exo."'"); $exo = $res['require']; $ret++; } while ($exo != "" && !in_array($exo, $checked)); $this->number = $ret; $db->deconnexion(); } function update($create) { $id = $this->id; $theme = intval($this->theme->get_id()); $require = $this->require; $level = intval($this->level); $points = intval($this->points); $statement = $this->statement; $files = $this->files; $keys = $this->keys; $db = new BDD(); $db->escape($id); $db->escape($theme); $db->escape($require); $db->escape($statement); if ($create) { $db->query("INSERT INTO exercices VALUES ('".$id."', '".$theme."', '".$require."', '".$level."', '".$points."','".$statement."');"); } else { $db->query("UPDATE exercices SET `theme` = '".$theme."', `require` = '".$require."', `level` = '".$level."', `point` = '".$point."', `statement` = '".$statement."' WHERE id = '$id'"); $aff = $db->affected(); } foreach ($this->keys as $k => $key) { $format = $key['format']; $value = $key['value']; if (isset($key['id'])) $kid = $key['id']; else $kid = 0; $db->escape($format); $db->escape($value); if (empty($kid)) { $db->query("INSERT INTO exercice_keys VALUES (NULL, '".$this->id."', '".$format."', UNHEX('".strhex($value)."'))"); $this->keys[$k]['id'] = $db->insert_id(); } else { $db->query("UPDATE exercice_keys SET `format` = '".$format."', `value` = UNHEX('".strhex($value).")') WHERE id = ".$kid); } } foreach ($this->files as $k => $file) { $path = $file['path']; $name = $file['name']; $sha1 = $file['sha1']; if (isset($file['id'])) $fid = intval($file['id']); $db->escape($path); $db->escape($name); $db->escape($sha1); if (!isset($file['id'])) { $db->query("INSERT INTO exercice_files VALUES (NULL, '".$id."', '".$path."', '".$name."', UNHEX('".$sha1."'));"); $this->files[$k]['id'] = $db->insert_id(); } else { $db->query("UPDATE exercice_files SET `path` = '".$path."', `name` = '".$name."', `sha1` = UNHEX('".$sha1."') WHERE id = ".$fid); } } $db->deconnexion(); //FIXME return 1; } function create() { update(true); } function add_key($format, $value) { $this->keys[] = array( "format" => $format, "value" => $value ); } function add_file($path, $name, $sha1) { $this->files[] = array( "path" => $path, "name" => $name, "sha1" => $sha1 ); } public static function get_nb_exo_max() { $db = new BDD(); $res = $db->unique_query("SELECT count(id) AS max FROM exercices GROUP BY id_theme ORDER BY max DESC LIMIT 1"); $db->deconnexion(); return $res['max']; } } class ExerciceNotFoundException extends Exception { } class InvalidThemeException extends Exception { }