cache_id) ? preg_replace('![^\w\|]+!', '_', $cached->cache_id) : null; $_compile_id = isset($cached->compile_id) ? preg_replace('![^\w\|]+!', '_', $cached->compile_id) : null; $cached->filepath = sha1($cached->source->filepath . $_cache_id . $_compile_id); $this->populateTimestamp($cached); } /** * populate Cached Object with timestamp and exists from Resource * * @param Smarty_Template_Cached $source cached object * @return void */ public function populateTimestamp(Smarty_Template_Cached $cached) { $mtime = $this->fetchTimestamp($cached->filepath, $cached->source->name, $cached->cache_id, $cached->compile_id); if ($mtime !== null) { $cached->timestamp = $mtime; $cached->exists = !!$cached->timestamp; return; } $timestamp = null; $this->fetch($cached->filepath, $cached->source->name, $cached->cache_id, $cached->compile_id, $cached->content, $timestamp); $cached->timestamp = isset($timestamp) ? $timestamp : false; $cached->exists = !!$cached->timestamp; } /** * Read the cached template and process the header * * @param Smarty_Internal_Template $_template template object * @param Smarty_Template_Cached $cached cached object * @return booelan true or false if the cached content does not exist */ public function process(Smarty_Internal_Template $_template, Smarty_Template_Cached $cached=null) { if (!$cached) { $cached = $_template->cached; } $content = $cached->content ? $cached->content : null; $timestamp = $cached->timestamp ? $cached->timestamp : null; if ($content === null || !$timestamp) { $this->fetch( $_template->cached->filepath, $_template->source->name, $_template->cache_id, $_template->compile_id, $content, $timestamp ); } if (isset($content)) { $_smarty_tpl = $_template; eval("?>" . $content); return true; } return false; } /** * Write the rendered template output to cache * * @param Smarty_Internal_Template $_template template object * @param string $content content to cache * @return boolean success */ public function writeCachedContent(Smarty_Internal_Template $_template, $content) { return $this->save( $_template->cached->filepath, $_template->source->name, $_template->cache_id, $_template->compile_id, $_template->properties['cache_lifetime'], $content ); } /** * Empty cache * * @param Smarty $smarty Smarty object * @param integer $exp_time expiration time (number of seconds, not timestamp) * @return integer number of cache files deleted */ public function clearAll(Smarty $smarty, $exp_time=null) { $this->cache = array(); return $this->delete(null, null, null, $exp_time); } /** * Empty cache for a specific template * * @param Smarty $smarty Smarty object * @param string $resource_name template name * @param string $cache_id cache id * @param string $compile_id compile id * @param integer $exp_time expiration time (number of seconds, not timestamp) * @return integer number of cache files deleted */ public function clear(Smarty $smarty, $resource_name, $cache_id, $compile_id, $exp_time) { $this->cache = array(); return $this->delete($resource_name, $cache_id, $compile_id, $exp_time); } /** * Check is cache is locked for this template * * @param Smarty $smarty Smarty object * @param Smarty_Template_Cached $cached cached object * @return booelan true or false if cache is locked */ public function hasLock(Smarty $smarty, Smarty_Template_Cached $cached) { $id = $cached->filepath; $name = $cached->source->name . '.lock'; $mtime = $this->fetchTimestamp($id, $name, null, null); if ($mtime === null) { $this->fetch($id, $name, null, null, $content, $mtime); } return $mtime && time() - $mtime < $smarty->locking_timeout; } /** * Lock cache for this template * * @param Smarty $smarty Smarty object * @param Smarty_Template_Cached $cached cached object */ public function acquireLock(Smarty $smarty, Smarty_Template_Cached $cached) { $cached->is_locked = true; $id = $cached->filepath; $name = $cached->source->name . '.lock'; $this->save($id, $name, null, null, $smarty->locking_timeout, ''); } /** * Unlock cache for this template * * @param Smarty $smarty Smarty object * @param Smarty_Template_Cached $cached cached object */ public function releaseLock(Smarty $smarty, Smarty_Template_Cached $cached) { $cached->is_locked = false; $name = $cached->source->name . '.lock'; $this->delete($name, null, null, null); } }