package fic import ( "errors" "time" ) // PartialValidation allows a Team to validate an Exercice at a given point if // it has ever found all classical flags, even if the last validation is not // complete or contains mistakes on previously validated flags. var PartialValidation bool // PartialMCQValidation allows a Team to validate each MCQ independently. // Otherwise, all MCQ has to be correct for being validated. var PartialMCQValidation bool // Exercice represents a challenge inside a Theme. type Exercice struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` Title string `json:"title"` // URLid is used to reference the challenge from the URL path URLId string `json:"urlid"` // Path is the relative import location where find challenge data Path string `json:"path"` // Statement is the challenge description shown to players Statement string `json:"statement"` // Overview is the challenge description shown to public Overview string `json:"overview"` Depend *int64 `json:"depend"` // Gain is the basis amount of points player will earn if it solve the challenge // If this value fluctuate during the challenge, players' scores will follow changes. // Use Coefficient value to create temporary bonus/malus. Gain int64 `json:"gain"` // Coefficient is a temporary bonus/malus applied on Gain when the challenge is solved. // This value is saved along with solved informations: changing it doesn't affect Team that already solved the challenge. Coefficient float64 `json:"coefficient"` // VideoURI is the link to the resolution video VideoURI string `json:"videoURI"` } // GetExercice retrieves the challenge with the given id. func GetExercice(id int64) (Exercice, error) { var e Exercice if err := DBQueryRow("SELECT id_exercice, title, url_id, path, statement, overview, depend, gain, coefficient_cur, video_uri FROM exercices WHERE id_exercice = ?", id).Scan(&e.Id, &e.Title, &e.URLId, &e.Path, &e.Statement, &e.Overview, &e.Depend, &e.Gain, &e.Coefficient, &e.VideoURI); err != nil { return Exercice{}, err } return e, nil } // GetExercice retrieves the challenge with the given id. func (t Theme) GetExercice(id int) (Exercice, error) { var e Exercice if err := DBQueryRow("SELECT id_exercice, title, url_id, path, statement, overview, depend, gain, coefficient_cur, video_uri FROM exercices WHERE id_theme = ? AND id_exercice = ?", t.Id, id).Scan(&e.Id, &e.Title, &e.URLId, &e.Path, &e.Statement, &e.Overview, &e.Depend, &e.Gain, &e.Coefficient, &e.VideoURI); err != nil { return Exercice{}, err } return e, nil } // GetExerciceByTitle retrieves the challenge with the given title. func (t Theme) GetExerciceByTitle(title string) (Exercice, error) { var e Exercice if err := DBQueryRow("SELECT id_exercice, title, url_id, path, statement, overview, depend, gain, coefficient_cur, video_uri FROM exercices WHERE id_theme = ? AND title = ?", t.Id, title).Scan(&e.Id, &e.Title, &t.URLId, &e.Path, &e.Statement, &e.Overview, &e.Depend, &e.Gain, &e.Coefficient, &e.VideoURI); err != nil { return Exercice{}, err } return e, nil } // GetExercices returns the list of all challenges present in the database. func GetExercices() ([]Exercice, error) { if rows, err := DBQuery("SELECT id_exercice, title, url_id, path, statement, overview, depend, gain, coefficient_cur, video_uri FROM exercices"); err != nil { return nil, err } else { defer rows.Close() var exos = make([]Exercice, 0) for rows.Next() { var e Exercice if err := rows.Scan(&e.Id, &e.Title, &e.URLId, &e.Path, &e.Statement, &e.Overview, &e.Depend, &e.Gain, &e.Coefficient, &e.VideoURI); err != nil { return nil, err } exos = append(exos, e) } if err := rows.Err(); err != nil { return nil, err } return exos, nil } } // GetExercices returns the list of all challenges in the Theme. func (t Theme) GetExercices() ([]Exercice, error) { if rows, err := DBQuery("SELECT id_exercice, title, url_id, path, statement, overview, depend, gain, coefficient_cur, video_uri FROM exercices WHERE id_theme = ?", t.Id); err != nil { return nil, err } else { defer rows.Close() var exos = make([]Exercice, 0) for rows.Next() { var e Exercice if err := rows.Scan(&e.Id, &e.Title, &e.URLId, &e.Path, &e.Statement, &e.Overview, &e.Depend, &e.Gain, &e.Coefficient, &e.VideoURI); err != nil { return nil, err } exos = append(exos, e) } if err := rows.Err(); err != nil { return nil, err } return exos, nil } } // AddExercice creates and fills a new struct Exercice and registers it into the database. func (t Theme) AddExercice(title string, urlId string, path string, statement string, overview string, depend *Exercice, gain int64, videoURI string) (Exercice, error) { var dpd interface{} if depend == nil { dpd = nil } else { dpd = depend.Id } if res, err := DBExec("INSERT INTO exercices (id_theme, title, url_id, path, statement, overview, depend, gain, video_uri) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", t.Id, title, urlId, path, statement, overview, dpd, gain, videoURI); err != nil { return Exercice{}, err } else if eid, err := res.LastInsertId(); err != nil { return Exercice{}, err } else { if depend == nil { return Exercice{eid, title, urlId, path, statement, overview, nil, gain, 1.0, videoURI}, nil } else { return Exercice{eid, title, urlId, path, statement, overview, &depend.Id, gain, 1.0, videoURI}, nil } } } // Update applies modifications back to the database. func (e Exercice) Update() (int64, error) { if res, err := DBExec("UPDATE exercices SET title = ?, url_id = ?, path = ?, statement = ?, overview = ?, depend = ?, gain = ?, coefficient_cur = ?, video_uri = ? WHERE id_exercice = ?", e.Title, e.URLId, e.Path, e.Statement, e.Overview, e.Depend, e.Gain, e.Coefficient, e.VideoURI, e.Id); err != nil { return 0, err } else if nb, err := res.RowsAffected(); err != nil { return 0, err } else { return nb, err } } // FixURLId generates a valid URLid from the challenge Title. // It returns true if something has been generated. func (e *Exercice) FixURLId() bool { if e.URLId == "" { e.URLId = ToURLid(e.Title) return true } return false } // GetThemeId returns the theme's id for the Exercice. func (e Exercice) GetThemeId() (int, error) { var tid int if err := DBQueryRow("SELECT id_theme FROM exercices WHERE id_exercice=?", e.Id).Scan(&tid); err != nil { return 0, err } return tid, nil } // GetTheme returns the parent Theme where the Exercice lives. func (e Exercice) GetTheme() (Theme, error) { if tid, err := e.GetThemeId(); err != nil { return Theme{}, err } else { return GetTheme(tid) } } // Delete the challenge from the database. func (e Exercice) Delete() (int64, error) { if res, err := DBExec("DELETE FROM exercices WHERE id_exercice = ?", e.Id); err != nil { return 0, err } else if nb, err := res.RowsAffected(); err != nil { return 0, err } else { return nb, err } } // GetLevel returns the number of dependancy challenges. func (e Exercice) GetLevel() (int, error) { dep := e.Depend nb := 1 for dep != nil { nb += 1 if edep, err := GetExercice(*dep); err != nil { return nb, err } else { dep = edep.Depend } } return nb, nil } // NewTry registers a solving attempt for the given Team. func (e Exercice) NewTry(t Team) error { if _, err := DBExec("INSERT INTO exercice_tries (id_exercice, id_team, time) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", e.Id, t.Id, time.Now()); err != nil { return err } else { return nil } } // UpdateTry applies modifications to the latest try registered for the given Team. // Updated values are time and the given nbdiff. func (e Exercice) UpdateTry(t Team, nbdiff int) error { if _, err := DBExec("UPDATE exercice_tries SET nbdiff = ?, time = ? WHERE id_exercice = ? AND id_team = ? ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1", nbdiff, time.Now(), e.Id, t.Id); err != nil { return err } else { return nil } } // Solved registers that the given Team solves the challenge. func (e Exercice) Solved(t Team) error { if _, err := DBExec("INSERT INTO exercice_solved (id_exercice, id_team, time, coefficient) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", e.Id, t.Id, time.Now(), e.Coefficient); err != nil { return err } else { return nil } } // SolvedCount returns the number of Team that already have solved the challenge. func (e Exercice) SolvedCount() int64 { var nb int64 if err := DBQueryRow("SELECT COUNT(id_exercice) FROM exercice_solved WHERE id_exercice = ?", e.Id).Scan(&nb); err != nil { return 0 } else { return nb } } // TriedTeamCount returns the number of Team that attempted to solve the exercice. func (e Exercice) TriedTeamCount() int64 { var nb int64 if err := DBQueryRow("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id_team) FROM exercice_tries WHERE id_exercice = ?", e.Id).Scan(&nb); err != nil { return 0 } else { return nb } } // TriedCount returns the number of cumulative attempts, all Team combined, for the exercice. func (e Exercice) TriedCount() int64 { var nb int64 if err := DBQueryRow("SELECT COUNT(id_team) FROM exercice_tries WHERE id_exercice = ?", e.Id).Scan(&nb); err != nil { return 0 } else { return nb } } // CheckResponse, given both flags and MCQ responses, figures out if thoses are correct (or if they are previously solved). // In the meanwhile, CheckResponse registers good answers given (but it does not mark the challenge as solved at the end). func (e Exercice) CheckResponse(respflags map[string]string, respmcq map[int64]bool, t Team) (bool, error) { if err := e.NewTry(t); err != nil { return false, err } else if flags, err := e.GetFlags(); err != nil { return false, err } else if mcqs, err := e.GetMCQ(); err != nil { return false, err } else if len(flags) < 1 && len(mcqs) < 1 { return true, errors.New("Exercice with no flag registered") } else { valid := true diff := 0 // Check MCQs for _, mcq := range mcqs { if d := mcq.Check(respmcq); d > 0 { if !PartialValidation || t.HasPartiallyRespond(mcq) == nil { valid = false diff += d } } else if !PartialMCQValidation { mcq.FoundBy(t) } } // Validate MCQs if no error if valid { for _, mcq := range mcqs { mcq.FoundBy(t) } } // Check flags for _, flag := range flags { if res, ok := respflags[flag.Label]; !ok { valid = false } else if !flag.Check([]byte(res)) { if !PartialValidation || t.HasPartiallySolved(flag) == nil { valid = false } } else { flag.FoundBy(t) } } if diff > 0 { e.UpdateTry(t, diff) } return valid, nil } } // IsSolved returns the number of time this challenge has been solved and the time of the first solve occurence. func (e Exercice) IsSolved() (int, time.Time) { var nb *int var tm *time.Time if DBQueryRow("SELECT COUNT(id_exercice), MIN(time) FROM exercice_solved WHERE id_exercice = ?", e.Id).Scan(&nb, &tm); nb == nil || tm == nil { return 0, time.Time{} } else { return *nb, *tm } }