#!/bin/bash source qa-common.sh TEAM_OVERVIEW=$1 # Register Teams association betweeen "FIC Groupe X" and X, the theme directory prefix `curl -s http://${HOST_FICADMIN}/api/teams | jq -r '.[] | [(.id | tostring), " ", .name] | add' | while read ID TEAM; do if echo $TEAM | grep "${TEAM_PREFIX}" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then echo export TEAM_$TEAM=$ID | sed -r "s/${TEAM_PREFIX} //"; fi; done` # Add all themes and exercices to assistants curl -s http://${HOST_FICADMIN}/api/themes | jq '.[].id' | while read tid do TEAM="TEAM_$(curl -s http://${HOST_FICADMIN}/api/themes/$tid | jq -r .path | sed -r 's/^[^0-9]*([0-9]+)-.*$/\1/')" curl -s http://${HOST_FICADMIN}/api/themes/$tid/exercices | jq .[].id | while read ex do curl -X POST -d @- -H "X-FIC-Team: ${QA_ADMIN}" http://${HOST_FICQA}/api/qa_my_exercices.json <