%%define fimage($path , $ratio , $caption) return "\\begin{figure}[h]\n" . "\\begin{center}\n" . "\\includegraphics[width=$ratio\\textwidth]{$path}\n" . "\\caption{$caption}\n" . "\\label{fig:$path}" . "\\end{center}\n" . "\\end{figure}" =end ## The Company: Novaquark Novaquark is a video games studio created in January 2014 by Jean-Christophe Baillie. He already launch the robotic company Gostai, bought by Aldebaran in 2012. \vspace{1em} Novaquark team focus on the development of a massively multiplayer online game, called \Dual. \vspace{1em} %%fimage(../report/img/dual-dark.png, 0.4, "The game's logo") \vspace{1em} The studio stays in start-ups incubator Agoranov. When I started my internship, 4 persons composed the team: * Jean-Christophe Baillie: founder and CEO; * Étienne Robin-Champigneul: COO; * Jérome Jouvie: 3D developer; * David Bernard: server developer. Since my arrival, the team has grown and now we count 10 persons: a community manager, a lead artist, a client developer, a server developer and four other interns. \vspace{1em} I started to work as DevOps in the server team with Mr Bernard. After his departure, I continue to work with Mr Baillie. ## The Internship My internship goal was to establish the basis of the server's deployment recipes needed to allow the automatic scalability of the game server architecture. ## Existing state of affairs ## General appreciation ## Engineering skills acquired ## Conclusion