#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use v5.10; use Digest::SHA qw(sha1_base64); use File::Basename; use ACU::API::Projects; use ACU::LDAP; use ACU::Log; $ACU::Log::log_file = "/var/log/hooks/" . basename($0) . ".log"; use ACU::Process; # First, check if the repository is in the subjects/ directory exit 0 if ($ENV{GL_REPO} !~ /^subjects\//); my ($ref, $oldsha, $newsha) = @ARGV; log WARN, "This is a subject!"; my %known_tags = ( "defense" => \&tag_defense, "grades" => \&tag_grades, "project" => \&tag_project, "subject" => \&tag_document, "ref" => \&tag_ref, "tests" => \&tag_tests, ); if ($ref =~ m<^refs/tags(/.+)$>) { my $tag = $1; my @args; while ($tag =~ m<[,/]([^,]+)>g) { push @args, $1; } my $create = ($newsha ne '0' x 40); if (exists $known_tags{$args[0]}) { exit $known_tags{$args[0]}($create, @args); } } exit 0; sub check_xml { my $content = shift; my $dtd = shift; my $fh; if ($dtd) { open $fh, "|xmllint --noout --dtdvalid $dtd -"; } else { open $fh, "|xmllint --noout -"; } print $fh ${ $content }; close $fh; return $?; } sub repository_name { my $repo = $ENV{GL_REPO}; $repo =~ s#^subjects/(.*)#$1#; return $repo; } sub tag_defense { } sub tag_document { } sub tag_grades { } sub tag_project { my $creation = shift; # From here, we have: # 1: "project" # 2: $id # 3: $year my $project_id = repository_name(); if ($_[2]) { # Check on ID/flavour_id if ($_[2] =~ /^\d+$/) { log ERROR, "project:* tag can't take version. Tag format: project:id:year"; } $project_id .= "-" . $_[2]; } $project_id = lc $project_id; $project_id =~ s/[^a-z0-9-_]/_/g; my $year; if ($_[3]) { # Check on year if ($_[3] !~ /^\d+$/) { log ERROR, "project:*:* second argument is the year. Tag format: project:id:year"; } $year = $_[3]; } else { $year = LDAP::get_year; } if ($creation) { my $newref = $ARGV[2]; log INFO, "Création/mise à jour du projet..."; my $content = qx(git show $newref:project.xml); # Check file exists if ($?) { log ERROR, "Créez un fichier project.xml à la racine du dépôt."; } # Check DTD validity if (check_xml(\$content, "http://acu.epita.fr/dtd/project.dtd")) { log ERROR, "Corrigez les erreurs du fichier project.xml avant de lancer la création du projet."; } # TODO: check user permissions # Generate token for VCS submission my $dom = XML::LibXML->load_xml(string => (\$content)); my $mod = 0; for my $vcs ($dom->documentElement()->getElementsByTagName("vcs")) { if (! $vcs->hasAttribute("token")) { my $token; do { $token = sha1_base64(rand); $token =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]//g; } while (length $token >= 12); $vcs->setAttribute("token", $token); $mod = 1; } } if ($mod) { $content = $dom->toString(); } # Send data to intradata log INFO, "Attente d'un processus de publication..."; if (my $err = Process::Client::launch("intradata_get", { action => "update", type => "project", id => $project_id, "year" => $year }, { "butler.xml" => $content })) { if (${ $err } ne "Ok") { log ERROR, "Erreur durant le processus de publication : " . ${ $err }; } } log INFO, "Information de l'intranet..."; # Call API eval { API::Projects::add($project_id, $year); }; if ($@) { if ($@ =~ /apP]roject [aA]ll?ready [eE]xists/) { log WARN, $@; } else { log ERROR, $@; } } # FIXME: Remove next line after 2016 piscine: ça ne devrait pas être fait à ce moment là eval { API::Projects::gen_groups($project_id, $year); }; log ERROR, $_ if($@); } else { log USAGE, "Suppression du projet !"; } } sub tag_ref { } sub tag_tests { }