#! /usr/bin/env perl use v5.10.1; use strict; use warnings; use Pod::Usage; use lib "../../"; use ACU::Log; use ACU::LDAP; use ACU::Process; our $basedir = "/intradata"; my %actions = ( "project" => { "create" => \&update_project, "update" => \&update_project, "delete" => \&delete_project, } ); sub create_tree($$) { my $year = shift; my $project_id = shift; if (! -d "$basedir/$year/") { log ERROR, "No directory for year $year. Ask a root to create it."; return "No directory for year $year. Ask a root to create it."; } if (! -e "$basedir/$year/$project_id/") { mkdir "$basedir/$year/$project_id/"; } } sub update_project { my $args = shift; my $project_id = $args->{param}{id}; my $year = $args->{param}{year} // LDAP::get_year; if (! $project_id) { log ERROR, "No project_id given."; return "No project_id given"; } my $butler; if (exists $args->{files}{"butler.xml"}) { $butler = $args->{files}{"butler.xml"}; } if (! $butler) { log ERROR, "Invalid butler.xml received!"; return "Invalid butler.xml received!"; } log INFO, "Update $year/$project_id/butler.xml"; create_tree($project_id, $year); open my $out, ">", "$year/$project_id/butler.xml"; print $out $butler; close $out; return "Ok"; } sub delete_project { log WARN, "delete_project: not implemented." } sub process_get { my ($given_args, $args) = @_; my $type = $args->{param}{type}; my $action = $args->{param}{action} // "update"; if (! exists $actions{$type}{$action}) { log WARN, "Unknown action '$action' for $type."; } return $actions{$type}{$action}($args); } Process::register("intradata_get", \&process_get);