assign('linkpage', 'vplanetes'); if (!empty($_GET['id']) && !empty($_GET['key']) && $_GET['key'] == 'hash_planete') { $id_plan = intval(gpc('id')); $bdd = new BDD(); $bdd->query("UPDATE $table_planete SET hash_planete = SHA1(CONCAT('g',planete.galaxie,'s',,'p',planete.position)) WHERE id = $id_plan;"); $req = $bdd->unique_query("SELECT * FROM $table_planete WHERE id = $id_plan;"); $bdd->deconnexion(); $template->assign('tableau', $req); $template->assign('idPlan', $id_plan); } elseif (!empty($_GET['id']) && !empty($_GET['key']) && $_GET['key'] != 'id') { $pagea = 'print_key'; $id_plan = intval(gpc('id')); $key = intval(gpc('key')); $bdd = new BDD(); $reqp = $bdd->unique_query("SELECT * FROM $table_planete WHERE id = $id_plan;"); $req = $bdd->unique_query("DESCRIBE $table_planete $key;"); $bdd->deconnexion(); $template->assign('tableau', $reqp); $template->assign('type', explode('(', $req['Type'])); $template->assign('idPlan', $id_plan); $template->assign('key', $_GET['key']); } elseif (!empty($_GET['id'])) { $id_plan = intval(gpc('id')); if (isset($_POST['key']) && isset($_POST['mod']) && $_POST['key'] != 'id') { $key = gpc('key', 'post'); $mod = gpc('mod', 'post'); $bdd = new BDD(); $bdd->escape($key); $bdd->escape($mod); $bdd->query("UPDATE $table_planete SET $key = '$mod' WHERE id = $id_plan;"); $bdd->deconnexion(); } $bdd = new BDD(); $req = $bdd->unique_query("SELECT * FROM $table_planete WHERE id = $id_plan;"); $bdd->deconnexion(); $template->assign('tableau', $req); $template->assign('idPlan', $id_plan); } elseif (isset($_GET['amas']) && isset($_GET['ss']) && !empty($_GET['pos'])) { $amas = intval(gpc('amas')); $ss = intval(gpc('ss')); $pos = intval(gpc('pos')); $bdd = new BDD(); $req = $bdd->unique_query("SELECT id FROM $table_planete WHERE galaxie = $amas AND ss = $ss AND position = $pos;"); $bdd->deconnexion(); header('Location: '.$VAR["menu"]["vplanetes"].'&id='.$req['id']); exit; } elseif (isset($_GET['format'])) { preg_match('#^\[?([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})\]?$#', gpc('format'), $position); $bdd = new BDD(); $req = $bdd->unique_query("SELECT id FROM $table_planete WHERE galaxie = ".$position[1]." AND ss = ".$position[2]." AND position = ".$position[3].";"); $bdd->deconnexion(); header('Location: '.$VAR["menu"]["vplanetes"].'&id='.$req['id']); exit; } else { $bdd = new BDD(); $req = $bdd->query("SELECT, nom_planete, pseudo, galaxie, ss, position FROM planete LEFT JOIN user ON ( LIMIT 1000;"); $bdd->deconnexion(); $template->assign('planetes', $req); $pagea = 'print_choixP'; }