ticks = new LogTicks(); $this->name = 'log'; } //---------------- // PUBLIC METHODS // Translate between world and screen public function Translate($a) { if (!is_numeric($a)) { if ($a != '' && $a != '-' && $a != 'x') { JpGraphError::RaiseL(11001); // ('Your data contains non-numeric values.'); } return 1; } if ($a < 0) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(11002); //("Negative data values can not be used in a log scale."); exit(1); } if ($a==0) { $a=1; } $a=log10($a); return ceil($this->off + ($a*1.0 - $this->scale[0]) * $this->scale_factor); } // Relative translate (don't include offset) usefull when we just want // to know the relative position (in pixels) on the axis public function RelTranslate($a) { if (!is_numeric($a)) { if ($a != '' && $a != '-' && $a != 'x') { JpGraphError::RaiseL(11001); //('Your data contains non-numeric values.'); } return 1; } if ($a==0) { $a=1; } $a=log10($a); return round(($a*1.0 - $this->scale[0]) * $this->scale_factor); } // Use bcpow() for increased precision public function GetMinVal() { if (function_exists("bcpow")) { return round(bcpow(10, $this->scale[0], 15), 14); } else { return round(pow(10, $this->scale[0]), 14); } } public function GetMaxVal() { if (function_exists("bcpow")) { return round(bcpow(10, $this->scale[1], 15), 14); } else { return round(pow(10, $this->scale[1]), 14); } } // Logarithmic autoscaling is much simplier since we just // set the min and max to logs of the min and max values. // Note that for log autoscale the "maxstep" the fourth argument // isn't used. This is just included to give the method the same // signature as the linear counterpart. public function AutoScale($img, $min, $max, $maxsteps, $majend=true) { if ($min==0) { $min=1; } if ($max <= 0) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(11004); //('Scale error for logarithmic scale. You have a problem with your data values. The max value must be greater than 0. It is mathematically impossible to have 0 in a logarithmic scale.'); } if (is_numeric($this->autoscale_min)) { $smin = round($this->autoscale_min); $smax = ceil(log10($max)); if ($min >= $max) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25071);//('You have specified a min value with SetAutoMin() which is larger than the maximum value used for the scale. This is not possible.'); } } else { $smin = floor(log10($min)); if (is_numeric($this->autoscale_max)) { $smax = round($this->autoscale_max); if ($smin >= $smax) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25072);//('You have specified a max value with SetAutoMax() which is smaller than the miminum value used for the scale. This is not possible.'); } } else { $smax = ceil(log10($max)); } } $this->Update($img, $smin, $smax); } //--------------- // PRIVATE METHODS } // Class //=================================================== // CLASS LogTicks // Description: //=================================================== class LogTicks extends Ticks { private $label_logtype=LOGLABELS_MAGNITUDE; private $ticklabels_pos = array(); //--------------- // CONSTRUCTOR public function __construct() { } //--------------- // PUBLIC METHODS public function IsSpecified() { return true; } public function SetLabelLogType($aType) { $this->label_logtype = $aType; } // For log scale it's meaningless to speak about a major step // We just return -1 to make the framework happy (specifically // StrokeLabels() ) public function GetMajor() { return -1; } public function SetTextLabelStart($aStart) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(11005); //('Specifying tick interval for a logarithmic scale is undefined. Remove any calls to SetTextLabelStart() or SetTextTickInterval() on the logarithmic scale.'); } public function SetXLabelOffset($dummy) { // For log scales we dont care about XLabel offset } // Draw ticks on image "img" using scale "scale". The axis absolute // position in the image is specified in pos, i.e. for an x-axis // it specifies the absolute y-coord and for Y-ticks it specified the // absolute x-position. public function Stroke($img, $scale, $pos) { $start = $scale->GetMinVal(); $limit = $scale->GetMaxVal(); $nextMajor = 10*$start; $step = $nextMajor / 10.0; $img->SetLineWeight($this->weight); if ($scale->type == "y") { // member direction specified if the ticks should be on // left or right side. $a=$pos + $this->direction*$this->GetMinTickAbsSize(); $a2=$pos + $this->direction*$this->GetMajTickAbsSize(); $count=1; $this->maj_ticks_pos[0]=$scale->Translate($start); $this->maj_ticklabels_pos[0]=$scale->Translate($start); if ($this->supress_first) { $this->maj_ticks_label[0]=""; } else { if ($this->label_formfunc != '') { $f = $this->label_formfunc; $this->maj_ticks_label[0]=call_user_func($f, $start); } elseif ($this->label_logtype == LOGLABELS_PLAIN) { $this->maj_ticks_label[0]=$start; } else { $this->maj_ticks_label[0]='10^'.round(log10($start)); } } $i=1; for ($y=$start; $y<=$limit; $y+=$step,++$count) { $ys=$scale->Translate($y); $this->ticks_pos[]=$ys; $this->ticklabels_pos[]=$ys; if ($count % 10 == 0) { if (!$this->supress_tickmarks) { if ($this->majcolor!="") { $img->PushColor($this->majcolor); $img->Line($pos, $ys, $a2, $ys); $img->PopColor(); } else { $img->Line($pos, $ys, $a2, $ys); } } $this->maj_ticks_pos[$i]=$ys; $this->maj_ticklabels_pos[$i]=$ys; if ($this->label_formfunc != '') { $f = $this->label_formfunc; $this->maj_ticks_label[$i]=call_user_func($f, $nextMajor); } elseif ($this->label_logtype == 0) { $this->maj_ticks_label[$i]=$nextMajor; } else { $this->maj_ticks_label[$i]='10^'.round(log10($nextMajor)); } ++$i; $nextMajor *= 10; $step *= 10; $count=1; } else { if (!$this->supress_tickmarks && !$this->supress_minor_tickmarks) { if ($this->mincolor!="") { $img->PushColor($this->mincolor); } $img->Line($pos, $ys, $a, $ys); if ($this->mincolor!="") { $img->PopColor(); } } } } } else { $a=$pos - $this->direction*$this->GetMinTickAbsSize(); $a2=$pos - $this->direction*$this->GetMajTickAbsSize(); $count=1; $this->maj_ticks_pos[0]=$scale->Translate($start); $this->maj_ticklabels_pos[0]=$scale->Translate($start); if ($this->supress_first) { $this->maj_ticks_label[0]=""; } else { if ($this->label_formfunc != '') { $f = $this->label_formfunc; $this->maj_ticks_label[0]=call_user_func($f, $start); } elseif ($this->label_logtype == 0) { $this->maj_ticks_label[0]=$start; } else { $this->maj_ticks_label[0]='10^'.round(log10($start)); } } $i=1; for ($x=$start; $x<=$limit; $x+=$step,++$count) { $xs=$scale->Translate($x); $this->ticks_pos[]=$xs; $this->ticklabels_pos[]=$xs; if ($count % 10 == 0) { if (!$this->supress_tickmarks) { $img->Line($xs, $pos, $xs, $a2); } $this->maj_ticks_pos[$i]=$xs; $this->maj_ticklabels_pos[$i]=$xs; if ($this->label_formfunc != '') { $f = $this->label_formfunc; $this->maj_ticks_label[$i]=call_user_func($f, $nextMajor); } elseif ($this->label_logtype == 0) { $this->maj_ticks_label[$i]=$nextMajor; } else { $this->maj_ticks_label[$i]='10^'.round(log10($nextMajor)); } ++$i; $nextMajor *= 10; $step *= 10; $count=1; } else { if (!$this->supress_tickmarks && !$this->supress_minor_tickmarks) { $img->Line($xs, $pos, $xs, $a); } } } } return true; } } // Class /* EOF */