unique_query("SELECT * FROM $table_flottes WHERE id = $id;"); if ($verrou) $bdd->query("UPDATE $table_flottes SET last = ".time()." WHERE id = $id;"); //Obtention d'un vérrou de 10 seconde sur la flotte $bdd->deconnexion(); if (!empty($flotte)) { $this->id_flotte = $flotte["id"]; $this->nom = $flotte["nom"]; $this->start_planete = $flotte["start_planete"]; $this->start_time = $flotte["start_time"]; $this->end_planete = $flotte["end_planete"]; $this->end_type = $flotte["end_type"]; $this->end_time = $flotte["end_time"]; $this->ret_planete = $flotte["ret_planete"]; $this->ret_time = $flotte["ret_time"]; $this->tactique = $flotte["tactique"]; $this->mission = $flotte["mission"]; $this->vitesse = $flotte["vitesse"]; $this->statut = $flotte["statut"]; $this->last = $flotte["last"]; $this->nb_vais = $flotte["nb_vais"]; foreach($nomvaisnVAR as $vais) $this->vaisseaux[] = $flotte[$vais]; $this->contenu = array($flotte["contenu_metal"], $flotte["contenu_cristal"], $flotte["contenu_hydrogene"]); $this->calculer(); } } } function calculer() { global $nomvais_rs; $this->nb_vais = 0; //Calcul de la capacité maximale d'embarquement de la flotte foreach($this->vaisseaux as $key => $vais) { $this->nb_vais += $vais; $this->contenuMax += $nomvais_rs[$key] * $vais; } } function load_planete() { if (is_numeric($this->start_planete) && !empty($this->start_planete)) { global $planete; //Si la planète est la même que celle du joueur actuel, on l'utilise, sinon, on la crée if ($planete->id == $this->start_planete) $this->start_planete = $planete; else $this->start_planete = new Planete($this->start_planete); } if (is_numeric($this->end_planete) && !empty($this->end_planete)) { global $planete; //Si la planète est la même que celle du joueur actuel, on l'utilise, sinon, on la crée if ($planete->id == $this->end_planete) $this->end_planete = $planete; else $this->end_planete = new Planete($this->end_planete); } if (is_numeric($this->ret_planete) && !empty($this->ret_planete)) { global $planete; //Si la planète est la même que celle du joueur actuel, on l'utilise, sinon, on la crée if ($planete->id == $this->ret_planete) $this->ret_planete = $planete; else $this->ret_planete = new Planete($this->ret_planete); } } function calc_deplacement($start_galaxie, $start_systeme, $start_position, $end_galaxie, $end_systeme, $end_position, $vitesse, $returnArray = false, $returnConso = false) { //Si la planète de départ n'est pas chargée, on charge les planètes if (is_numeric($this->start_planete)) $this->load_planete(); global $config, $nomvais_vitesseP, $nomvais_vitesseS, $nomvais_vitesseG, $nomvais_rs; $this->vitesse = $vitesse; //Calcul de la longueur du déplacement $diff_galaxie = abs($start_galaxie - $end_galaxie); $diff_systeme = abs($start_systeme - $end_systeme); $diff_position = abs($start_position - $end_position); $diff_centre_position_start = abs(ceil($config['nb_amas']/2) - $start_position); $diff_centre_systeme_start = abs(ceil($config['nb_systeme']/2) - $start_systeme); $diff_centre_position_end = abs(ceil($config['nb_amas']/2) - $end_position); $diff_centre_systeme_end = abs(ceil($config['nb_systeme']/2) - $end_systeme); //Calcul du temps de déplacement pour chaque vaisseau $temps = array(); $conso = array(0, 0, 0); foreach($this->vaisseaux as $key => $vais) { //S'il n'y a pas de vaisseaux de ce type, on ne calcul pas leur vitesse if ($vais == 0) continue; //Calcul du temps de déplacement entre planètes if ($start_systeme == $end_systeme && $start_galaxie == $end_galaxie) { $temps[0][$key] = (10/$nomvais_vitesseP[$key]) * (1 + 0.1 * $diff_position); $temps[1][$key] = $temps[2][$key] = 0; } //Calcul du temps de déplacement entre système elseif ($start_galaxie == $end_galaxie) { $temps[0][$key] = (10/$nomvais_vitesseP[$key]) * (1 + 0.1 * ($diff_centre_position_start + $diff_centre_position_end)); $temps[1][$key] = (20/$nomvais_vitesseS[$key]) * (2 + 1 * $diff_systeme); $temps[2][$key] = 0; } //Calcul du temps de déplacement entre galaxies else { $temps[0][$key] = (10/$nomvais_vitesseP[$key]) * (1 + 0.1 * ($diff_centre_position_start + $diff_centre_position_end)); $temps[1][$key] = (20/$nomvais_vitesseS[$key]) * (2 + 1 * ($diff_centre_systeme_start + $diff_centre_systeme_end)); $temps[2][$key] = (50/$nomvais_vitesseG[$key]) * (2 + 1.5 * $diff_galaxie); } //Calcul du bonus pour le réacteur à combustion $techR = $this->start_planete->technologies[1]; if ($techR & 56) $bonus = 0.7; elseif ($techR & 24) $bonus = 0.8; elseif ($techR & 8) $bonus = 0.9; else $bonus = 1; $temps[0][$key] *= $bonus * 1/$vitesse; $conso[0] += $vais * $temps[0][$key] * $bonus / exp($vitesse/5); //Calcul du bonus pour le réacteur à fusion $techR = $this->start_planete->technologies[1]; if ($techR &448) $bonus = 0.7; elseif ($techR &192) $bonus = 0.8; elseif ($techR &64) $bonus = 0.9; else $bonus = 1; $temps[1][$key] *= $bonus * 1/$vitesse; $conso[1] += $vais * $temps[1][$key] * $bonus / exp($vitesse/7.5); //Calcul du bonus pour le réacteur à fusion de type II $techR = $this->start_planete->technologies[1]; if ($techR &3584) $bonus = 0.7; elseif ($techR &1536) $bonus = 0.8; elseif ($techR &512) $bonus = 0.9; else $bonus = 1; $temps[2][$key] *= $bonus * 1/$vitesse; $conso[2] += $vais * $temps[2][$key] * $bonus / exp($vitesse/10); } if (!isset($this->vaisseaux[4])) $this->vaisseaux[4] = 0; if (!isset($this->vaisseaux[5])) $this->vaisseaux[5] = 0; //Si les chasseurs peuvent rentrer dans les cales des vaisseaux, on les enlèves if ($this->contenuMax - ($this->contenu[0] + $this->contenu[1] + $this->contenu[2]) - ($this->vaisseaux[4] * $nomvais_rs[4] + $this->vaisseaux[5] * $nomvais_rs[5]) >= ($this->vaisseaux[4] + $this->vaisseaux[5]) * 200) $temps[2][4] = $temps[2][5] = $temps[1][4] = $temps[1][5] = $temps[0][4] = $temps[0][5] = 0; //On calcul le temps de déplacement maximal if ($returnArray) return $temps; elseif ($returnConso) return array(max($temps[0]) + max($temps[1]) + max($temps[2]), ceil($conso[0]+$conso[1]+$conso[2])); else return (max($temps[0]) + max($temps[1]) + max($temps[2])); } function check_mission() { //On vérifie qu'un calcul ne soit pas déjà en cours if ($this->last >= time() - 10) return false; elseif ($this->start_time + $this->end_time > time()) return false; if ($this->statut == 0) { switch($this->mission) { case 0: $this->stationner(); break; case 1: $this->transporter(); break; case 2: $this->coloniser(); break; case 3: $this->attaquer(); break; case 4: $this->recycler(); break; case 5: $this->espionner(); break; } } if ($this->statut == 1 && ($this->ret_time > time() || $this->start_time + $this->end_time * 2 <= time())) $this->retourner(); return true; } function stationner() { //On décharge les ressources éventuellement contenue $this->decharger(); //On fait atterir les vaisseaux foreach ($this->vaisseaux as $key => $vais) $this->end_planete->vaisseaux[$key] += $vais; if (!in_array("vaisseaux", $this->end_planete->modif)) $this->end_planete->modif[] = "vaisseaux"; $this->modifFlotte = "DELETE"; } function transporter() { $max = $this->decharger(); //Envoie du MP de confirmation au joueur $send = new Rapport(2, $this->start_planete, $this->end_planete, $this->start_time + $this->end_time); $send->addInfo($this->end_planete, 0); $send->addInfo($max, 1); $send->sendTransport(); $this->statut = 1; $this->addModifFlotte("statut"); } function coloniser() { //On vérifie que les coordonnées de la planètes sont bien enregistrée if (empty($this->end_planete) || is_object($this->end_planete) || !preg_match('#^\[?([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})\]?$#', $this->end_planete)) { $this->load_planete(); file_log("Erreur de colonisation de la planète : ".$this->end_planete." pour le joueur : ".$this->start_planete->id_user, 2); send_mp($this->start_planete->id_user, "Erreur de colonisation [F#01]", "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la tentative de colonisation de votre flotte, elle a fait demi-tour."); $this->rappeler(); } //On vérifie que la planète ne soit pas déjà colonisée global $table_planete; preg_match('#^\[?([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})\]?$#', $this->end_planete, $position); $bdd = new BDD(); $p = $bdd->query("SELECT * FROM $table_planete WHERE galaxie = ".$position[1]." AND ss = ".$position[2]." AND position = ".$position[3].";"); $bdd->deconnexion(); if ($p) { $this->load_planete(); $rapport = new Rapport(2, $this->start_planete, 0, $this->start_time + $this->end_time); $rapport->addInfo(array($position[1], $position[2], $position[3]), 0); $rapport->addInfo(false, 1); $rapport->send(); $this->statut = 1; $this->addModifFlotte("statut"); } else { $this->load_planete(); //On crée la planète $this->end_planete = new Planete(false); $this->end_planete->galaxie = $position[1]; $this->end_planete->ss = $position[2]; $this->end_planete->position = $position[3]; $this->end_planete->creer($this->start_planete->id_user); //Rembousement du carburant non utilisé (la colonisation prévois au départ un allé/retour) $conso = $this->calc_deplacement($this->start_planete->galaxie, $this->start_planete->ss, $this->start_planete->position, $position[1], $position[2], $position[3], $this->vitesse, false, true); $this->end_planete->hydrogene += $conso[1]; //On définit la limite de ressources pour permettre le déchargement de celles contenues dans les vaisseaux $this->end_planete->cap = 100000; //On enlève un vaisseau de colonisation de la liste $this->vaisseaux[2]--; //On fait atterir les vaisseaux et décharger les ressources $this->decharger(); $this->atterir(); //On envoie un rapport $rapport = new Rapport(2, $this->start_planete, 0, $this->start_time + $this->end_time); $rapport->addInfo(array($position[1], $position[2], $position[3]), 0); $rapport->addInfo(true, 1); $rapport->send(); } } function recycler() { //Si la planète d'arrivé n'est pas chargée, on charge les planètes if (is_numeric($this->end_planete)) $this->load_planete(); $coeff = ($this->contenuMax - $this->contenu[0] - $this->contenu[1] - $this->contenu[2])/($this->end_planete->debris_met + $this->end_planete->debris_cri); if ($coeff > 1) $coeff = 1; $a = floor($this->end_planete->debris_met * $coeff); $b = floor($this->end_planete->debris_cri * $coeff); $this->contenu[0] += $a; $this->contenu[1] += $b; if (!in_array('contenu', $this->modifFlotte)) $this->modifFlotte[] = 'contenu'; $this->end_planete->debris_met -= $a; $this->end_planete->debris_cri -= $b; if (!in_array('debris_met', $this->end_planete->modif)) $this->end_planete->modif[] = 'debris_met'; if (!in_array('debris_cri', $this->end_planete->modif)) $this->end_planete->modif[] = 'debris_cri'; //Send link $rapport = new Rapport(4, $this->start_planete, 0, $this->start_time + $this->end_time); $rapport->addInfo($this->end_planete, 0); $rapport->addInfo(array($a, $b), 1); $rapport->send(); $this->statut = 1; if (!in_array('statut', $this->modifFlotte)) $this->modifFlotte[] = 'statut'; } function espionner() { //Si la planète d'arrivé n'est pas chargée, on charge les planètes if (is_numeric($this->end_planete)) $this->load_planete(); //Extraction des niveaux technologique des deux adversaires if (($this->start_planete->technologies[1]& 67108864) == 67108864) $espionnage_A = 3; elseif (($this->start_planete->technologies[1]& 33554432) == 33554432) $espionnage_A = 3; elseif (($this->start_planete->technologies[1]& 16777216) == 16777216) $espionnage_A = 3; else $espionnage_A = 0; if (($this->start_planete->technologies[1]& 536870912) == 536870912) $contreespionnage_B = 3; elseif (($this->start_planete->technologies[1]& 268435456) == 268435456) $contreespionnage_B = 2; elseif (($this->start_planete->technologies[1]& 134217728) == 134217728) $contreespionnage_B = 1; else $contreespionnage_B = 0; //Création du rapport $rapport = new Rapport(5, $this->start_planete, $this->end_planete, $this->start_time + $this->end_time); $rapport->addInfo($this->end_planete, 0); $rapport->addInfo($contreespionnage_B/$espionnage_A/10, 1); $rapport->addInfo($espionnage_A+2-$contreespionnage_B+1, 2); $rapport->addInfo($contreespionnage_B, 3); $rapport->send(); $this->statut = 1; $this->addModifFlotte("statut"); } function decharger($plan = "end_planete") { //Si la planète d'arrivé n'est pas chargée, on charge les planètes if (is_numeric($this->$plan)) $this->load_planete(); $max = array(0, 0, 0); //Si on dépasse les capacités, on laisse les ressources en trop dans le cargo if ($this->$plan->metal + $this->contenu[0] > $this->$plan->cap) { $max[0] = $this->$plan->cap - $this->$plan->metal; if ($max[0] < 0) $max[0] = 0; } else $max[0] = $this->contenu[0]; $this->$plan->metal += $max[0]; $this->contenu[0] -= $max[0]; if ($this->$plan->cristal + $this->contenu[1] > $this->$plan->cap) { $max[1] = $this->$plan->cap - $this->$plan->cristal; if ($max[1] < 0) $max[1] = 0; } else $max[1] = $this->contenu[1]; $this->$plan->cristal += $max[1]; $this->contenu[1] -= $max[1]; if ($this->$plan->hydrogene + $this->contenu[2] > $this->$plan->cap) { $max[2] = $this->$plan->cap - $this->$plan->hydrogene; if ($max[2] < 0) $max[2] = 0; } else $max[2] = $this->contenu[2]; $this->$plan->hydrogene += $max[2]; $this->contenu[2] -= $max[2]; $this->$plan->addModif("force"); $this->addModifFlotte("contenu"); return $max; } function atterir($plan = "end_planete") { //Si la planète d'arrivé n'est pas chargée, on charge les planètes if (is_numeric($this->$plan)) $this->load_planete(); if (isset($this->$plan->vaisseaux[0])) { foreach ($this->vaisseaux as $key => $vais) $this->$plan->vaisseaux[$key] += $vais; } else $this->$plan->vaisseaux = $this->vaisseaux; $this->$plan->addModif("vaisseaux"); $this->modifFlotte = "DELETE"; } function rappeler() { if ($this->start_time + $this->end_time >= time()) return false; else { $this->end_time = time() - $this->start_time + 10; $this->mission = 5; if (!in_array('mission', $this->modifFlotte)) $this->modifFlotte[] = 'mission'; if (!in_array('end_time', $this->modifFlotte)) $this->modifFlotte[] = 'end_time'; return true; } } function retourner() { //Si la planète de départ n'est pas chargée, on charge les planètes if (is_numeric($this->start_planete)) $this->load_planete(); //Si on a demandé une planète particulière au retour if (!empty($this->ret_time) && !empty($this->ret_planete) && !is_numeric($this->ret_planete)) { $this->decharger("ret_planete"); $this->atterir("ret_planete"); } //Si le retour se fait sur la planète source else { $this->decharger("start_planete"); $this->atterir("start_planete"); } $this->modifFlotte = "DELETE"; } function addModifFlotte($modif) { if (!in_array($modif, $this->modifFlotte)) $this->modifFlotte[] = $modif; } /** * Destructeur * * @return void * @access public */ function __destruct() { global $table_flottes; if ($this->modifFlotte === "DELETE") { $bdd = new BDD(); $bdd->query("DELETE FROM $table_flottes WHERE id = ".$this->id_flotte.";"); $bdd->deconnexion(); } else { if (empty($this->id_flotte)) { if ($this->modifFlotte == "INSERT") { $out1 = ''; $out2 = ''; global $nomvaisnVAR; foreach ($this->vaisseaux as $key => $vais) { $out1 .= ', '.$nomvaisnVAR[$key]; $out2 .= ', '.$vais; } $sql = "INSERT INTO $table_flottes (id_user, mission, start_time, start_planete, end_time, end_type, end_planete, vitesse, contenu_metal, contenu_cristal, contenu_hydrogene, tactique, nom, nb_vais$out1) VALUES ('".$this->start_planete->id_user."', '".$this->mission."', '".$this->start_time."', '".$this->start_planete->id."', '".$this->end_time."', '".$this->end_type."', '".$this->end_planete."', '".$this->vitesse."', '".$this->contenu[0]."', '".$this->contenu[1]."', '".$this->contenu[2]."', '".$this->tactique."', '".$this->nom."', ".$this->nb_vais."$out2);"; if (DEBUG) var_dump($sql); $bdd = new BDD(); $bdd->query($sql); $bdd->deconnexion(); } } elseif(isset($this->modifFlotte[0])) { $out = array(); $bdd = new BDD(); foreach($this->modifFlotte as $modif) { if (!is_array($this->{$modif})) { if (is_int($this->{$modif}) || is_float($this->{$modif})) $out[] .= $modif." = ".$this->{$modif}; else { $bdd->escape($this->{$modif}); $out[] .= $modif." = '".$this->{$modif}."'"; } } else { if ($modif == "contenu") $calc = "resso"; elseif ($modif == "vaisseaux") $calc = "nomvaisn"; if (!isset(${$calc.'VAR'})) global ${$calc.'VAR'}; foreach(${$calc.'VAR'} as $key => $var) { $bdd->escape($this->{$modif}[$key]); $out[] = ${$calc.'VAR'}[$key]." = ".$this->{$modif}[$key]; } } } if (!empty($out)) { $sql = "UPDATE $table_flottes SET ".implode(', ', $out).", last = 0 WHERE id = ".$this->id_flotte.";"; if (DEBUG) var_dump($sql); $bdd->query($sql); } $bdd->deconnexion(); } } } } ?>