= 1 && !ereg('e,', implode(',',$fileVai).',')) { $temps_s = ''; $veh = 'e'; } else { // Annulation de la production en chaîne si elle existe //if (ereg('e,', implode(',',$fileVai).',')) { header('Location: annul_bat.php?bat=e&go='.$_POST['type']); exit; } if (!isset($_POST['sa'])) exit; else $sa = abs(floor($_POST['sa'])); if ($_POST['type'] == 9) { $metal -= ($sa*500); $cristal -= ($sa*200); $temps_s = $sa*ceil(480/pow(1.25,($chantier_terrestre-1))); $veh = 9; } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 10) { $metal -= ($sa*4000); $cristal -= ($sa*2000); $temps_s = $sa*ceil(1560/pow(1.25,($chantier_terrestre-3))); $veh = 10; } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 11) { $metal -= ($sa*4500); $cristal -= ($sa*800); $hydrogene -= ($sa*600); $temps_s = $sa*ceil(1800/pow(1.25,($chantier_terrestre-4))); $veh = 11; } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 12) { $metal -= ($sa*12000); $cristal -= ($sa*10000); $hydrogene -= ($sa*1000); $temps_s = $sa*ceil(6720/pow(1.25,($chantier_terrestre-4))); $veh = 12; } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 13) { $metal -= ($sa*15000); $cristal -= ($sa*9500); $hydrogene -= ($sa*1500); $temps_s = $sa*ceil(12960/pow(1.25,($chantier_terrestre-8))); $veh = 13; } } if (isset($veh) && $veh != '' && (!empty($nomvaisn[$veh-1]) || $veh == 'e' || (isset($_GET['act']) && $_GET['act'] == 'e'))) { if ($metal >= 0 && $cristal >= 0 && $hydrogene >= 0) { for ($c=0 ; $c < $sa ; $c++){ $fileVai = explode(' ',implode(' ',$fileVai).' '.$veh); } $veh = implode(' ',$fileVai); if (count($fileTemps_s) == 0 || count($fileTemps_s) == 1) { $temps_ss = time(); for ($c=0 ; $c < $sa ; $c++){ $temps_ss .= ' '.$temps_s; } $temps_s = $temps_ss; } else { $temps_ss = implode(' ',$fileTemps_s); for ($c=0 ; $c < $sa ; $c++){ $temps_ss .= ' '.$temps_s; } $temps_s = $temps_ss; } mysql_query("UPDATE planete SET metal='$metal', cristal='$cristal', temps_spatial='$temps_s', unit_s='$veh' WHERE id_user='$id' AND galaxie='$galaxy' AND ss='$ss' AND position='$pos'") or die ("erreur sql ".mysql_error()); } else { if ($veh >= 9 ) header('Location: chantier_terrestre.php?err=3'); else header('Location: chantier_terrestre.php?err=3'); mysql_close(); exit; } } mysql_close(); $veh = $fileVai[0]; if ($veh >= 9 ) header('Location: defense.php'); else header('Location: chantier_terrestre.php'); ?>