iSize = $aSize; $this->iArrowSize = $aArrowSize; } public function SetColor($aColor) { $this->iColor = $aColor; } public function Stroke($aImg, $x, $y, $a) { // First rotate the center coordinates list($x, $y) = $aImg->Rotate($x, $y); $old_origin = $aImg->SetCenter($x, $y); $old_a = $aImg->a; $aImg->SetAngle(-$a+$old_a); $dx = round($this->iSize/2); $c = array($x-$dx,$y,$x+$dx,$y); $x += $dx; list($dx, $dy) = $this->isizespec[$this->iArrowSize]; $ca = array($x,$y,$x-$dx,$y-$dy,$x-$dx,$y+$dy,$x,$y); $aImg->SetColor($this->iColor); $aImg->Polygon($c); $aImg->FilledPolygon($ca); $aImg->SetCenter($old_origin[0], $old_origin[1]); $aImg->SetAngle($old_a); } } //=================================================== // CLASS FieldPlot // Description: Render a field plot //=================================================== class FieldPlot extends Plot { public $arrow = ''; private $iAngles = array(); private $iCallback = ''; public function __construct($datay, $datax, $angles) { if ((count($datax) != count($datay))) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(20001); }//("Fieldplots must have equal number of X and Y points."); if ((count($datax) != count($angles))) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(20002); }//("Fieldplots must have an angle specified for each X and Y points."); $this->iAngles = $angles; parent::__construct($datay, $datax); $this->value->SetAlign('center', 'center'); $this->value->SetMargin(15); $this->arrow = new FieldArrow(); } public function SetCallback($aFunc) { $this->iCallback = $aFunc; } public function Stroke($img, $xscale, $yscale) { // Remeber base color and size $bc = $this->arrow->iColor; $bs = $this->arrow->iSize; $bas = $this->arrow->iArrowSize; for ($i=0; $i<$this->numpoints; ++$i) { // Skip null values if ($this->coords[0][$i]==="") { continue; } $f = $this->iCallback; if ($f != "") { list($cc, $cs, $cas) = call_user_func($f, $this->coords[1][$i], $this->coords[0][$i], $this->iAngles[$i]); // Fall back on global data if the callback isn't set if ($cc == "") { $cc = $bc; } if ($cs == "") { $cs = $bs; } if ($cas == "") { $cas = $bas; } $this->arrow->SetColor($cc); $this->arrow->SetSize($cs, $cas); } $xt = $xscale->Translate($this->coords[1][$i]); $yt = $yscale->Translate($this->coords[0][$i]); $this->arrow->Stroke($img, $xt, $yt, $this->iAngles[$i]); $this->value->Stroke($img, $this->coords[0][$i], $xt, $yt); } } // Framework function public function Legend($aGraph) { if ($this->legend != "") { $aGraph->legend->Add( $this->legend, $this->mark->fill_color, $this->mark, 0, $this->legendcsimtarget, $this->legendcsimalt, $this->legendcsimwintarget ); } } } //=================================================== // CLASS ScatterPlot // Description: Render X and Y plots //=================================================== class ScatterPlot extends Plot { public $mark; public $link; private $impuls = false; //--------------- // CONSTRUCTOR public function __construct($datay, $datax=false) { if (is_array($datax) && (count($datax) != count($datay))) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(20003);//("Scatterplot must have equal number of X and Y points."); } parent::__construct($datay, $datax); $this->mark = new PlotMark(); $this->mark->SetType(MARK_SQUARE); $this->mark->SetColor($this->color); $this->value->SetAlign('center', 'center'); $this->value->SetMargin(0); $this->link = new LineProperty(1, 'black', 'solid'); $this->link->iShow = false; } //--------------- // PUBLIC METHODS public function SetImpuls($f=true) { $this->impuls = $f; } public function SetStem($f=true) { $this->impuls = $f; } // Combine the scatter plot points with a line public function SetLinkPoints($aFlag=true, $aColor="black", $aWeight=1, $aStyle='solid') { $this->link->iShow = $aFlag; $this->link->iColor = $aColor; $this->link->iWeight = $aWeight; $this->link->iStyle = $aStyle; } public function Stroke($img, $xscale, $yscale) { $ymin=$yscale->scale_abs[0]; if ($yscale->scale[0] < 0) { $yzero=$yscale->Translate(0); } else { $yzero=$yscale->scale_abs[0]; } $this->csimareas = ''; for ($i=0; $i<$this->numpoints; ++$i) { // Skip null values if ($this->coords[0][$i]==='' || $this->coords[0][$i]==='-' || $this->coords[0][$i]==='x') { continue; } if (isset($this->coords[1])) { $xt = $xscale->Translate($this->coords[1][$i]); } else { $xt = $xscale->Translate($i); } $yt = $yscale->Translate($this->coords[0][$i]); if ($this->link->iShow && isset($yt_old)) { $img->SetColor($this->link->iColor); $img->SetLineWeight($this->link->iWeight); $old = $img->SetLineStyle($this->link->iStyle); $img->StyleLine($xt_old, $yt_old, $xt, $yt); $img->SetLineStyle($old); } if ($this->impuls) { $img->SetColor($this->color); $img->SetLineWeight($this->weight); $img->Line($xt, $yzero, $xt, $yt); } if (!empty($this->csimtargets[$i])) { if (!empty($this->csimwintargets[$i])) { $this->mark->SetCSIMTarget($this->csimtargets[$i], $this->csimwintargets[$i]); } else { $this->mark->SetCSIMTarget($this->csimtargets[$i]); } $this->mark->SetCSIMAlt($this->csimalts[$i]); } if (isset($this->coords[1])) { $this->mark->SetCSIMAltVal($this->coords[0][$i], $this->coords[1][$i]); } else { $this->mark->SetCSIMAltVal($this->coords[0][$i], $i); } $this->mark->Stroke($img, $xt, $yt); $this->csimareas .= $this->mark->GetCSIMAreas(); $this->value->Stroke($img, $this->coords[0][$i], $xt, $yt); $xt_old = $xt; $yt_old = $yt; } } // Framework function public function Legend($aGraph) { if ($this->legend != "") { $aGraph->legend->Add( $this->legend, $this->mark->fill_color, $this->mark, 0, $this->legendcsimtarget, $this->legendcsimalt, $this->legendcsimwintarget ); } } } // Class /* EOF */