**************************************************************** CHANGELOG 2.3.0 to 2.3.3 **************************************************************** Requested new features: ======================= CR#450 - Add option to specify window target for CSIM CR#453 - Add additional style option for plot lines CR#464 - Automatically adjust label precision CR#465 - Add option for vertical text in graphic tables CR#000 - Added flags for Bangladesh and Republic of Serbia CR#000 - Added Example combgraphex1.php to 2.x tree Reported Defect fixes: ====================== PR#250 - Off by one - rounding error for filled gradients PR#445 - Example code: Image::SetAntiAliasing() expects boolean PR#448 - Workaround for bug in PHP 4.4.7 (Affects Pie) PR#449 - Adding text to rotated graphs gets wrong angle for box PR#454 - Localized error message can only be shown once PR#455 - Startangle is ignored if only one slice in a Pie is !=0 PR#456 - German locale problem with punctuation PR#457 - Array with non-consequtive indexes are not handled as URL argument for CSIM PR#458 - Add additional error check for accumulated line plot PR#459 - UPCA with first digit != 0 will be encoded wrongly PR#461 - Windroses does not handle title correctly PR#463 - Wrong handling of small slices PR#466 - Further wrong handling of small slices in Pie PR#000 - Typo in jpgraph_table.php ',' instead of ';' PR#000 - Initialize output parameters to headers_sent() method call Performance enhancements: ========================= * Remove one uneccessary call to StrokeDataVal for markers on linegraphs * Modified Wu-algorithm for better handling of start-end points * Refactored Image class and added error check for use of anti-alias together with dashed styled lines **************************************************************** CHANGELOG 2.2.0 to 2.3.0 **************************************************************** Requested new features: ======================= CR#443 - Add support for russian LED characters CR#431 - Make it possible to add an alternate text to linear barcodes CR#427 - Feature request to add trademark symbol to SymChar class CR#433 - Make it possible to add images to tables without constrains CR#450 - Add option to specify window target for CSIM Reported Defect fixes: ====================== PR#430 - Wrong scope for protected variable in PHP5 version of PDF417 PR#432 - Unquoted % sign in error message 22001 PR#438 - v2.x does not handle line weight==0 properly PR#441 - Wrong HTML for circle CSIM in v2.x PR#442 - Fixed possible undefined sval for CSIM when no alt titles are given PR#444 - Divide by zero in certain date scale ranges PR#445 - Example code: Image::SetAntiAliasing() expects boolean PR#250 - Off by one - rounding error for filled gradients PR#448 - Workaround for bug imagefilledarc() (Affects Pie) PR#449 - Adding text to rotated graphs gets wrong angle for box PR#451 - Various code cleanup for 2.x branch Additional code fixes: ====================== * Make minimum automatic margin smaller * Added support for XPM image format * Add error check to see if imageantialias() GD function exists * Added flags for Bangladesh and Republic of Serbia * Wrong unicode value for TM * Corrected wrong error message and uninitialized variable * Potential divide by zero case for tick positioning * Removed deprecated call to AdjBackgroundImage() in Example * Updated CSIM examples to not include the filename in the StrokeCSIM() call * Added Example combgraphex1.php to 2.x tree