mark = new awMark; $this->mark->setType(awMark::CIRCLE); $this->mark->setSize(7); $this->mark->border->show(); $this->label = new awLabel; $this->setValues($datay, $datax); $this->setColor(new awBlack); } /** * Display plot as impulses * * @param awColor $impulse Impulses color (or NULL to disable impulses) */ public function setImpulse($color) { $this->impulse = $color; } /** * Link scatter plot points * * @param bool $link * @param awColor $color Line color (default to black) */ public function link($link, $color = NULL) { $this->link = (bool)$link; if($color instanceof awColor) { $this->setColor($color); } } /** * Ignore null values for Y data and continue linking * * @param bool $link */ public function linkNull($link) { $this->linkNull = (bool)$link; } /** * Change line color * * @param awColor $color */ public function setColor(awColor $color) { $this->lineColor = $color; } /** * Change line style * * @param int $style */ public function setStyle($style) { $this->lineStyle = (int)$style; } /** * Change line tickness * * @param int $tickness */ public function setThickness($tickness) { $this->lineThickness = (int)$tickness; } /** * Get the line thickness * * @return int */ public function getLegendLineThickness() { return $this->lineThickness; } /** * Get the line type * * @return int */ public function getLegendLineStyle() { return $this->lineStyle; } /** * Get the color of line * * @return Color */ public function getLegendLineColor() { return $this->lineColor; } /** * Get the background color or gradient of an element of the component * * @return Color, Gradient */ public function getLegendBackground() { return NULL; } /** * Get a mark object * * @return Mark */ public function getLegendMark() { return $this->mark; } public function drawComponent(awDriver $driver, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $aliasing) { $count = count($this->datay); // Get start and stop values list($start, $stop) = $this->getLimit(); // Build the polygon $polygon = new awPolygon; for($key = 0; $key < $count; $key++) { $x = $this->datax[$key]; $y = $this->datay[$key]; if($y !== NULL) { $p = awAxis::toPosition($this->xAxis, $this->yAxis, new awPoint($x, $y)); $polygon->set($key, $p); } else if($this->linkNull === FALSE) { $polygon->set($key, NULL); } } // Link points if needed if($this->link) { $prev = NULL; foreach($polygon->all() as $point) { if($prev !== NULL and $point !== NULL) { $driver->line( $this->lineColor, new awLine( $prev, $point, $this->lineStyle, $this->lineThickness ) ); } $prev = $point; } } // Draw impulses if($this->impulse instanceof awColor) { foreach($polygon->all() as $key => $point) { if($point !== NULL) { $zero = awAxis::toPosition( $this->xAxis, $this->yAxis, new awPoint($key, 0) ); $driver->line( $this->impulse, new awLine( $zero, $point, awLine::SOLID, 1 ) ); } } } // Draw marks and labels foreach($polygon->all() as $key => $point) { $this->mark->draw($driver, $point); $this->label->draw($driver, $point, $key); } } protected function xAxisPoint($position) { $y = $this->xAxisZero ? 0 : $this->getRealYMin(); return awAxis::toPosition($this->xAxis, $this->yAxis, new awPoint($position, $y)); } public function getXCenter() { return FALSE; } } registerClass('ScatterPlot'); ?>