background = new awColor(255, 255, 255); $this->shadow = new awShadow(awShadow::RIGHT_BOTTOM); $this->border = new awBorder; } /** * Get driver of the image * * @param int $w Driver width (from 0 to 1) (default to 1) * @param int $h Driver height (from 0 to 1) (default to 1) * @param float $x Position on X axis of the center of the driver (default to 0.5) * @param float $y Position on Y axis of the center of the driver (default to 0.5) * @return Driver */ public function getDriver($w = 1, $h = 1, $x = 0.5, $y = 0.5) { $this->create(); $this->driver->setSize($w, $h); $this->driver->setPosition($x, $y); return $this->driver; } /** * Sets the driver that will be used to draw the graph * * @param string $driverString */ public function setDriver($driverString) { $this->driver = $this->selectDriver($driverString); $this->driver->init($this); } /** * Change the image size * * @var int $width Image width * @var int $height Image height */ public function setSize($width, $height) { if($width !== NULL) { $this->width = (int)$width; } if($height !== NULL) { $this->height = (int)$height; } } /** * Change image background * * @param mixed $background */ public function setBackground($background) { if($background instanceof awColor) { $this->setBackgroundColor($background); } elseif($background instanceof awGradient) { $this->setBackgroundGradient($background); } } /** * Change image background color * * @param awColor $color */ public function setBackgroundColor(awColor $color) { $this->background = $color; } /** * Change image background gradient * * @param awGradient $gradient */ public function setBackgroundGradient(awGradient $gradient) { $this->background = $gradient; } /** * Return image background, whether a Color or a Gradient * * @return mixed */ public function getBackground() { return $this->background; } /** * Turn antialiasing on or off * * @var bool $bool */ public function setAntiAliasing($bool) { $this->antiAliasing = (bool)$bool; } /** * Return the antialiasing setting * * @return bool */ public function getAntiAliasing() { return $this->antiAliasing; } /** * Change image format * * @var int $format New image format */ public function setFormat($format) { if($format === awImage::JPEG or $format === awImage::PNG or $format === awImage::GIF) { $this->format = $format; } } /** * Returns the image format as an integer * * @return unknown */ public function getFormat() { return $this->format; } /** * Returns the image format as a string * * @return string */ public function getFormatString() { switch($this->format) { case awImage::JPEG : return 'jpeg'; case awImage::PNG : return 'png'; case awImage::GIF : return 'gif'; } } /** * Create a new awimage */ public function create() { if($this->driver === NULL) { $driver = $this->selectDriver($this->driverString); $driver->init($this); $this->driver = $driver; } } /** * Select the correct driver * * @param string $driver The desired driver * @return mixed */ protected function selectDriver($driver) { $drivers = array('gd'); $driver = strtolower((string)$driver); if(in_array($driver, $drivers, TRUE)) { $string = $driver; } else { $string = ARTICHOW_DRIVER; } switch ($string) { case 'gd': require_once ARTICHOW.'/inc/drivers/gd.class.php'; $this->driverString = $string; return new awGDDriver(); default: // We should never get here, unless the wrong string is used AND the ARTICHOW_DRIVER // global has been messed with. awImage::drawError('Class Image: Unknown driver type (\''.$string.'\')'); break; } } /** * Draw a component on the image * * @var awComponent $component A component */ public function drawComponent(awComponent $component) { $shadow = $this->shadow->getSpace(); // Image shadow $border = $this->border->visible() ? 1 : 0; // Image border size $driver = clone $this->driver; $driver->setImageSize( $this->width - $shadow->left - $shadow->right - $border * 2, $this->height - $shadow->top - $shadow->bottom - $border * 2 ); // No absolute size specified if($component->w === NULL and $component->h === NULL) { list($width, $height) = $driver->setSize($component->width, $component->height); // Set component size in pixels $component->setAbsSize($width, $height); } else { $driver->setAbsSize($component->w, $component->h); } if($component->top !== NULL and $component->left !== NULL) { $driver->setAbsPosition( $border + $shadow->left + $component->left, $border + $shadow->top + $component->top ); } else { $driver->setPosition($component->x, $component->y); } $driver->movePosition($border + $shadow->left, $border + $shadow->top); list($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = $component->getPosition(); $component->init($driver); $component->drawComponent($driver, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->antiAliasing); $component->drawEnvelope($driver, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2); $component->finalize($driver); } protected function drawShadow() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $this->shadow->draw( $driver, new awPoint(0, 0), new awPoint($this->width, $this->height), awShadow::IN ); } /** * Send the image into a file or to the user browser * */ public function send() { $this->driver->send($this); } /** * Return the image content as binary data * */ public function get() { return $this->driver->get($this); } /** * Send the correct HTTP header according to the image type * */ public function sendHeaders() { if(headers_sent() === FALSE) { switch ($this->driverString) { case 'gd' : header('Content-type: image/'.$this->getFormatString()); break; } } } private static $errorWriting = FALSE; /* * Display an error image and exit * * @param string $message Error message */ public static function drawError($message) { if(self::$errorWriting) { return; } self::$errorWriting = TRUE; $message = wordwrap($message, 40, "\n", TRUE); $width = 400; $height = max(100, 40 + 22.5 * (substr_count($message, "\n") + 1)); $image = new awImage(); $image->setSize($width, $height); $image->setDriver('gd'); $driver = $image->getDriver(); $driver->init($image); // Display title $driver->filledRectangle( new awWhite, new awLine( new awPoint(0, 0), new awPoint($width, $height) ) ); $driver->filledRectangle( new awRed, new awLine( new awPoint(0, 0), new awPoint(110, 25) ) ); $text = new awText( "Artichow error", new awFont3, new awWhite, 0 ); $driver->string($text, new awPoint(5, 6)); // Display red box $driver->rectangle( new awRed, new awLine( new awPoint(0, 25), new awPoint($width - 90, $height - 1) ) ); // Display error image $file = ARTICHOW_IMAGE.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'error.png'; $imageError = new awFileImage($file); $driver->copyImage( $imageError, new awPoint($width - 81, $height - 81), new awPoint($width - 1, $height - 1) ); // Draw message $text = new awText( strip_tags($message), new awFont2, new awBlack, 0 ); $driver->string($text, new awPoint(10, 40)); $image->send(); exit; } /* * Display an error image located in a file and exit * * @param string $error Error name */ public static function drawErrorFile($error) { $file = ARTICHOW_IMAGE.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'errors'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$error.'.png'; header("Content-Type: image/png"); readfile($file); exit; } } registerClass('Image'); /** * Load an image from a file * * @package Artichow */ class awFileImage extends awImage { /** * Build a new awimage * * @param string $file Image file name */ public function __construct($file) { $driver = $this->selectDriver($this->driverString); $driver->initFromFile($this, $file); $this->driver = $driver; } } registerClass('FileImage'); ?>