setSize($width, $height); if(ARTICHOW_CACHE) { $this->name = $name; $this->timeout = $timeout; // Clean sometimes all the cache if(mt_rand(0, 5000) === 0) { awGraph::cleanCache(); } // Take the graph from the cache if possible if($this->name !== NULL) { $this->fileCache = ARTICHOW_CACHE_DIRECTORY."/".$this->name; $this->fileCacheTime = $this->fileCache."-time"; if(is_file($this->fileCache)) { $type = awGraph::cleanGraphCache($this->fileCacheTime); if($type === NULL) { awGraph::deleteFromCache($this->name); } else { header("Content-Type: image/".$type); echo file_get_contents($this->fileCache); exit; } } } } $this->title = new awLabel( NULL, new awTuffy(16), NULL, 0 ); $this->title->setAlign(awLabel::CENTER, awLabel::BOTTOM); } /** * Delete a graph from the cache * * @param string $name Graph name * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure */ public static function deleteFromCache($name) { if(ARTICHOW_CACHE) { if(is_file(ARTICHOW_CACHE_DIRECTORY."/".$name."-time")) { unlink(ARTICHOW_CACHE_DIRECTORY."/".$name.""); unlink(ARTICHOW_CACHE_DIRECTORY."/".$name."-time"); } } } /** * Delete all graphs from the cache */ public static function deleteAllCache() { if(ARTICHOW_CACHE) { $dp = opendir(ARTICHOW_CACHE_DIRECTORY); while($file = readdir($dp)) { if($file !== '.' and $file != '..') { unlink(ARTICHOW_CACHE_DIRECTORY."/".$file); } } } } /** * Clean cache */ public static function cleanCache() { if(ARTICHOW_CACHE) { $glob = glob(ARTICHOW_CACHE_DIRECTORY."/*-time"); foreach($glob as $file) { $type = awGraph::cleanGraphCache($file); if($type === NULL) { $name = ereg_replace(".*/(.*)\-time", "\\1", $file); awGraph::deleteFromCache($name); } } } } /** * Enable/Disable Graph timing * * @param bool $timing */ public function setTiming($timing) { $this->timing = (bool)$timing; } /** * Add a component to the graph * * @param awComponent $component */ public function add(awComponent $component) { $this->components[] = $component; } /** * Add a label to the component * * @param awLabel $label * @param int $x Position on X axis of the center of the text * @param int $y Position on Y axis of the center of the text */ public function addLabel(awLabel $label, $x, $y) { $this->labels[] = array( $label, $x, $y ); } /** * Add a label to the component with absolute position * * @param awLabel $label * @param awPoint $point Text position */ public function addAbsLabel(awLabel $label, awPoint $point) { $this->labels[] = array( $label, $point ); } /** * Build the graph and draw component on it * * @param string $mode Display mode (can be a file name) */ public function draw($mode = Graph::DRAW_DISPLAY) { if($this->timing) { $time = microtimeFloat(); } $this->create(); foreach($this->components as $component) { $this->drawComponent($component); } $this->drawTitle(); $this->drawShadow(); $this->drawLabels(); if($this->timing) { $this->drawTiming(microtimeFloat() - $time); } // Create graph $data = $this->get(); // Put the graph in the cache if needed $this->cache($data); switch($mode) { case Graph::DRAW_DISPLAY : $this->sendHeaders(); echo $data; break; case Graph::DRAW_RETURN : return $data; default : if(is_string($mode)) { file_put_contents($mode, $data); } else { awImage::drawError("Class Graph: Unable to draw the graph."); } } } private function drawLabels() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); foreach($this->labels as $array) { if(count($array) === 3) { // Text in relative position list($label, $x, $y) = $array; $point = new awPoint( $x * $this->width, $y * $this->height ); } else { // Text in absolute position list($label, $point) = $array; } $label->draw($driver, $point); } } private function drawTitle() { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $point = new awPoint( $this->width / 2, 10 ); $this->title->draw($driver, $point); } private function drawTiming($time) { $driver = $this->getDriver(); $label = new awLabel; $label->set("(".sprintf("%.3f", $time)." s)"); $label->setAlign(awLabel::LEFT, awLabel::TOP); $label->border->show(); $label->setPadding(1, 0, 0, 0); $label->setBackgroundColor(new awColor(230, 230, 230, 25)); $label->draw($driver, new awPoint(5, $driver->imageHeight - 5)); } private function cache($data) { if(ARTICHOW_CACHE and $this->name !== NULL) { if(is_writable(ARTICHOW_CACHE_DIRECTORY) === FALSE) { awImage::drawError("Class Graph: Cache directory is not writable."); } file_put_contents($this->fileCache, $data); file_put_contents($this->fileCacheTime, $this->timeout."\n".$this->getFormatString()); } } private static function cleanGraphCache($file) { list( $time, $type ) = explode("\n", file_get_contents($file)); $time = (int)$time; if($time !== 0 and $time < time()) { return NULL; } else { return $type; } } } registerClass('Graph'); /* * To preserve PHP 4 compatibility */ function microtimeFloat() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return (float)$usec + (float)$sec; } ?>